Articolele autorului Simona Pinzaru
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4-th Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems (BioNanoSpec)

Dear colleagues, We cordially invite you to participate in the 4th Conference on Advanced Spectroscopies on Biomedical and Nanostructured Systems (BioNanoSpec) to be held between September 4-7, 2011, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Conference is organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, in collaboration with the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Biology from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Following the tradition

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Theoretical and vibrational spectral investigation of sodium salt of acenocoumarol

DOI: 10.1002/jrs.2226

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Book Review: RAMAN AND SERS INVESTIGATIONS OF PHARMACEUTICALS, Authors: M. Baia, S. Astilean, T. Iliescu

DOI: 10.1002/jrs.2291

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Raman Imaging of In Vivo Damaged Skin Tissues from Mice Specimens
Betulin and its natural resource as potential anticancer drug candidate seen by FT-Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy
Raman study of natural berlinite from a geological phosphate deposit

Natural berlinite from a heated sedimentary sequence in Cioclovina Cave (Romania) was studied using Raman spectroscopy complemented with infrared techniques. Vibrational data acquired at room temperature were compared with those reported for synthetic berlinite in ambient conditions. The symmetry of the (PO4)3 units is confirmed by the observation of characteristic bands attributed to the n1(PO4)3 stretching mode, both the n4 and n2 bending regions

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Bridging biomolecules with nanoparticles: surface-enhanced Raman scattering from colon carcinoma and normal tissue

In order to get insight into the chemical heterogeneities of solid tumors, here we report the first surfaceenhanced Raman scattering (SERS) experiment from normal and altered epithelial layer in human colon carcinoma tissues. The Ag colloidal nanoparticles that can be incorporated into the interstitial space in solid tumors or those penetrating into cytoplasm or nucleus of many cells allowed high quality SERS signal. Different tissue structures of

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Workshop, 5-6 March 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania: Introduction to Confocal Raman and Scanning Probe Microscopy

In perioada 5-6 martie 2008, Catedra de Spectroscopie Moleculară a Facultăţii de Fizică şi Laboratorul de Nanobiofotonică din cadrul Institutului de Cercetări Experimentale Interdisciplinare(ICEI) al Universitatăţii Babes-Bolyai, impreună cu compania Witec GmbH, Ulm, Germania, producătoare de echipamente de microscopie Raman si de microscopie de forţă atomică, organizeaza workshop-ul . Detalii suplimentare se gasesc la

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In vitro studies on mesenchimal stem cells of a dry birch tree bark extract
ATR-FT-IR and micro-Raman spectroscopy of the colon carcinoma tissues