Articolele autorului Sorin Adam Matei
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Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A spatial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps

Imagining urban space as being comfortable or fearful is studied as an effect of people’s connections to their residential area communication infrastructure. Geographic Information System (GIS) modeling and spatial-statistical methods are used to process 215 mental maps obtained from respondents to a multilingual survey of seven ethnically marked residential communities of Los Angeles. Spatial-statistical analyses reveal that fear perceptions of

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From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Virtual Community Discourse and the Dilemma of Modernity

Virtual communities are discussed as expressions of the modern tension between individuality and community, emphasizing the role that counterculture and its values played in shaping the virtual community project. This article analyzes postings to the WELL conferences and the online groups that served as incubators and testing ground for the term "virtual community," revealing how this concept was culturally shaped by the countercultural ideals of

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The magnifying glass effect: negotiating individualism and community on the Internet