Articolele autorului Traian Florin Șerbănuță
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Barabási Albert-László este poate cel mai cunoscut om de știință maghiar din zilele noastre, cercetător în domeniul teoriei rețelelor, expert al teoriei haosului. Numele lui figurează printre cei mai citați zece fizicieni ai lumii. Cu ocazia apariției primei sale cărți în traducere în limba română, Barabási Albert-László va ține două prelegeri iar după lansare cei prezenți vor avea ocazia să procure volumul cu dedicație

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Visul unui cercetător român din SUA de a se întoarce în ţară, zdrobit de promisiunile false ale autorităţilor (

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Computationally equivalent elimination of conditions

An automatic and easy to implement transformation of conditional term rewrite systems into computationally equivalent unconditional term rewrite systems is presented. No special support is needed from the underlying unconditional rewrite engine. Since unconditional rewriting is more amenable to parallelization, our transformation is expected to lead to efficient concurrent implementations of rewriting.

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Extending Parikh matrices

We introduce the notion of Parikh matrix induced by a word, a natural extension to the notion of Parikh matrix and prove a set of properties for this kind of matrices. We also study the relation between these two notions. We show that combining properties from both we obtain a more powerful tool for proving algebraic properties of words.

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A rewriting logic approach to operational semantics

This paper shows how rewriting logic semantics (RLS) can be used as a computational logic framework for operational semantic definitions of programming languages. Several operational semantics styles are addressed: big-step and small-step structural operational semantics (SOS), modular SOS, reduction semantics with evaluation contexts, continuation-based semantics, and the chemical abstract machine. Each of these language definitional styles can

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An overview of the K semantic framework

K is an executable semantic framework in which programming languages, calculi, as well as type systems or formal analysis tools can be defined, making use of configurations, computations and rules. Configurations organize the system/program state in units called cells, which are labeled and can be nested. Computations carry "computational meaning" as special nested list structures sequentializing computational tasks, such as fragments of program;

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