Articolele autorului Eugen Ursu
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Evaluation of classical spatial-analysis schemes of extreme rainfall

Extreme rainfall is classically estimated using raingauge data at raingauge locations. An important related issue is to assess return levels of extreme rainfall at ungauged sites. Classical methods consist in interpolating extreme-value models. In this paper, such methods are referred to as regionalization schemes. Our goal is to evaluate three classical regionalization schemes. Each scheme consists of an extreme-value model (block maxima, peaks

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Periodic autoregressive model identification using genetic algorithms

Periodic autoregressive (PAR) models extend the classical autoregressive models by allowing the parameters to vary with seasons. Selecting PAR time-series models can be computationally expensive, and the results are not always satisfactory. In this article, we propose a new automatic procedure to the model selection problem by using the genetic algorithm. The Bayesian information criterion is used as a tool to identify the order of the PAR model.

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On multiplicative seasonal modelling for vector time series

Many time series encountered in real applications display seasonal behavior. In this paper, we consider multiplicative seasonal vectorial autoregressive moving average (SVARMA) models to describe seasonal vector time series. We discuss conditional maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters, allowing them to satisfy general linear constraints. Having fitted a model, residual autocovariances (or autocorrelations) have been found useful in

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Estimation and model adequacy checking for multivariate seasonal autoregressive time series models with periodically varying parameters

We introduce a class of multivariate seasonal time series models with periodically varying parameters, abbreviated by the acronym SPVAR. The model is suitable for multivariate data, and combines a periodic autoregressive structure and a multiplicative seasonal time series model. The stationarity conditions (in the periodic sense) and the theoretical autocovariance functions of SPVAR stochastic processes are derived. Estimation and checking stages

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On modelling and diagnostic checking of vector periodic autoregressive time series models

Vector periodic autoregressive time series models (PVAR) form an important class of time series for modelling data derived from climatology, hydrology, economics and electrical engineering, among others. In this article, we derive the asymptotic distributions of the least squares estimators of the model parameters in PVAR models, allowing the parameters in a given season to satisfy linear constraints. Residual autocorrelations from classical vector

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