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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Profilul structurii psihologice a viitorilor asistenţi sociali din perspectiva analizei tranzacţionale
Psychosocial involvement for Alzheimer’s Dementia. Case study Romania-Germania

Abstracts: The paper aims to present in a brief form a realistic image of Alzheimer’s dementia, in Romania and Germany, from the perspective of psychosocial involvement. Starting from the premise that dementia is an illness with two victims; the patient and the family/belonger, the research focuses on completing an anamnesis on ways of assisting persons with dementia, the legislation and the involvement policies in the two countries. It requires

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Predictive factors in case of antisocial behaviors observed at high school students. Comparative study between institutionalized environments (home school type) and non-institutionalized (minor host family), Proceedings (P510) of the SPECTO 2012

The present work paper is proposing itself to studying factors that contribute to the development of antisocial behavior through a comparative study between institutional environments *(home school type) and the non-institutional type*(minor host family); together with reports made to the conditions, level of education and relationships established, typological some ways, evolutionary nature, determining the appearances of acts and phenomenon of

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La réglementation du contrat d’entretien dans le nouveau code civil

Le thème proposé pour la recherche vise la problématique du contrat d’entretien, une problématique toujours actuelle et par conséquent dans une redéfinition continue, dans le contexte des modifications législatives, qui ont préfiguré et qui continuent a préfigurer le nouveau Code civil. Si le hasard aurait un correspondent dans le domaine du droit des contrats, alors, ce serait, sans doute, le contrat d’entretien. Le contrat d’entretien

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Des aspects concernant la suspension de l’execution forcee par rapport a la reglementation proposee par la loi nr. 134/2010 concernant le code de procedure civile

Le nouveau Code de procédure civile adopté par la Loi no. 134/2010 apporte quelques nouveautés en ce qui concerne la réglementation de la suspension de l'exécution forcée. Une de ces modifications est celle de la consécration implicite du caractère exceptionnel de cette mesure, par la légifération de son octroi seulement pour « des motifs déterminants ». Cependant, faute d'une définition du contenu de ce syntagme, les deux conditions

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Consideraţii privind dispoziţiile art. 17 din noul Cod civil relative la „eroarea comunã şi invincibilã”

The theory of appearance of right constitutes a creation of jurisprudence, the origin of which can be found in Roman law. Initially a corrective of equity, the theory of appearance of right has only been recognized progressively by jurisprudence. Today, we may ascertain that it has become an ordering factor. Our new Civil Code expressly consecrates the theory of appearance and its effects, in art. 17, entitled “common and unavoidable error”.

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Observaţii pe margineacontestaţiei privind lãmurirea înţelesului, întinderii sau aplicãrii titlului executoriu, în actualul şi viitorul cod de procedurã civilã

Regarded as a distinct form of the appeal to an enforcement procedure, the appeal regarding the clarification of meaning, span or application of the enforceable title invites the court to pronounce upon the interpretation of the content of the enforceable title, unlike the appeal to the enforcement proper, in which the court is requested to verify aspects pertaining to the legality of the enforcement procedure. This being the distinction of essence

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The conflict of law in time

The conflicts of laws that are due to the succession of normative documents over time are solved by taking into account the general principles of intertemporal common law. The Law is subject to the "tempus regit actum" rule. Legal conflicts that may occur between legal norms that are situated on different hierarchic positions are solved based on the principle according to which the inferior legal norm bases its validity on the norm that is superior

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The capacity of use of natural person

Book I of the new Civil Code (NCC) , entitled "On Persons", comprises regulations concerning natural persons and artificial persons, in terms of capacity of use, capacity of exercise, identification thereof, but also protection of natural persons. The civil capacity of natural persons is regulated in Title II - Natural Persons- Chapter I of the NCC. In art. 34 NCC, the civil capacity of use is defined as the person's ability to have civil rights

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The formal sources of Romanian law

Legal doctrine distinguishes between material sources of law - which represent the "will of the ruling class" in society, determined by the material conditions of social existence - and formal sources of law, representing the specific forms in which legal norms are expressed. The paper analyzes only the latter aspect. A formal source of law is the specific form of expression of legal norms, i.e. those general rules of conduct that have to be followed

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