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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Special Incapacities to Sell and Buy

As an integral part of the civil capacity of use, the capacity to sell and buy pertains, in principle, to all subjects of civil law - natural or artificial persons, and as part of the full civil capacity of exercise, it pertains to all persons who enjoy a full capacity of exercise. The rule of generality for the capacity of use of the right to sell and/or buy is expressed in art. 1652 in the new Civil Code, according to which: "All can buy and sell

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Criminal Liability of Government Members in Romanian Law,

The criminal liability of Government members knows different solutions at constitutional and legal level, but everywhere the Parliament plays a key role. In some constitutional systems (England, USA, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece), the indictment of Government members is made by one of the Houses of Parliament or by the Parliament, whether it has a unicameral or bicameral structure. In other constitutional systems (Netherlands, Denmark), the indictment

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Lease contracts in the new civil Code

Lease contracts are regulated by articles 1777-1850 in the new civil Code (which constitute Chapter V "Lease" of Title IX "Various special contracts" of Book V "On obligations"). A lease is a convention by which a person, called a lessor, pledges to secure, for another person, called a lessee, temporary use of an asset in exchange for a price, called a rent. The new civil Code regulates lease contracts in its art. 1777 and following, including several

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Constitutional issues regarding the acquisition of the right to land property by foreign and citizens and stateless persons

This paper seeks to analyze constitutional provisions, as well as stipulations contained in Law 312 /2005 which establish the conditions under which foreign citizens and stateless persons may acquire the right private property of lands in Romania. Up until the date when the Constitution was revised, in 2003, the right to acquire property over lands in Romania was an exclusive right of Romanian citizens, whereas foreign citizens and state persons

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Hotel bailment in the new civil Code

The bailment contract that is assimilated to necessary bailment is the hotel bailment contract. This contract was not expressly regulated in Civil Code until the adoption of the new Civil Code. The new Civil Code regulates the hotel bailment contract in articles 2127-2137 which compose the 3rd Section, "Hotel bailment" of Chapter XII, "The Bailment contract" of Title IX "Various special contracts" of Book V "On obligations". From the provisions of

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The influence of oxygen flow during deposition on the structural, mechanical and tribological properties of titanium oxide magnetron sputtered thin films

This work reports on the study of mechanical and tribological properties of titanium oxide films produced by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering. The mechanical and tribological properties of the deposited coatings were analyzed as function of the oxygen flow rate used during the deposition process and were correlated with the structural aspects. The structural characterization results reveal a dependence of the film texture on the oxygen

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The “Error Communis Facit Jus”. Origins. The roman law, the Mid Age and the old romanian law
The “Error Communis Facit Jus” Principle in the French Law
Ageing people in Romania, demographic and legal aspects in the context of globalization

In the context of globalization, the European and international organizations are looking for actual solutions to answer the effects of this complex phenomenon. One of the category affected by globalization is the elderly persons. Due to the great growth of this category of population in the next years, which will determine socio-economical problems, is necessary to adopt measures to ensure their participation in economic and social development of

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The structure, characteristics and implication of the bureaucracy: the central bank’s case