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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Why do Logistics and Transport matter for development

In face of the challenges of global competition, business firms are concentrating more on the needs of customers and seeking ways to reduce costs, improve quality and meet the ever-rising expectation of their customers. To these ends, many of them have identified logistics as an area to build cost and service advantages. Logistical activities have always been vital to organizations, and therefore business logistics and supply chain management represents

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Anti-hypertrophic effects of oxytocin in rat ventricular myocytes

BACKGROUND: Oxytocin (OT) and functional OT receptor (OTR) are expressed in the heart and are involved in blood pressure regulation and cardioprotection. Cardiac OTR signaling is associated with atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) release. During the synthesis of OT, its precursor, termed OT-Gly-Lys-Arg (OT-GKR), is accumulated in the developing rat heart. Consequently, we hypothesized that an OT-related mechanism of ANP controls

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Treatment with brain natriuretic peptide prevents the development of cardiac dysfunction in obese diabetic db/db mice.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Obesity and diabetes increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and heart failure. These metabolic disorders are generally reflected by natriuretic peptide system deficiency. Since brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is known to influence metabolism and cardioprotection, we investigated the effect of chronic exogenous BNP treatment on adverse myocardial consequences related to obesity and diabetes. METHODS: Ten-week-old

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All-trans retinoic acid stimulates gene expression of the cardioprotective natriuretic peptide system and prevents fibrosis and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes of obese ob/ob mice.

In hypertensive rodents, retinoic acid (RA) prevents adverse cardiac remodelling and improves myocardial infarction outcome, but its role in obesity-related changes of cardiac tissue are unclear. We hypothesized that all-trans RA (ATRA) treatment will improve the cardioprotective oxytocin-natriuretic peptides (OT-NP) system, preventing apoptosis and collagen accumulation in hearts of ob/ob mice, a mouse model of obesity and insulin resistance. Female

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Oxytocin-Gly-Lys-Arg stimulates cardiomyogenesis by targeting cardiac side population cells.

he functional oxytocin (OT) system is expressed in the human and rodent hearts. OT stimulates differentiation of cardiac stem cells into contracting cardiomyocytes (CM). In this study, we investigated OT receptors (OTR) expressed in the cells of cardiac side population (SP) and the abilities of these cells to differentiate into CM in response to the treatment with OT-Gly-Lys-Arg (OT-GKR), a dominant and biologically active form of OT, in the fetal

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Constraining Holocene hydrological changes in the Carpathian-Balkan region using speleothem d18O and pollen-based temperature reconstructions

Here we present a speleothem isotope record (POM2) from Ascunsã Cave (Romania) that provides new data on past climate changes in the Carpathian-Balkan region from 8.2 ka until the present. This paper describes an approach to constrain the effect of temperature changes on calcite δ18O values in stalagmite POM2 over the course of the middle Holocene (6-4 ka), and across the 8.2 and 3.2 ka rapid climate change events. Independent pollen temperature

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Amnesic shellfish poisoning biotoxin detection in seawater using pure or amino-functionalized Ag nanoparticles and SERS

Domoic acid (DA) biotoxin responsible for the amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) has been unambigu-ously detected in seawater in a broad range of concentration, with both pure and amino-functionalized Ag nanoparticles employed for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). To achieve this, a compre-hensive SERS study on DA dissolved in distilled water has been conducted. SERS of DA dissolved in seawater in concentrations ranging from 3.3 Â 10 À 4

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syd or sdy? A Note on Isaiah 33,12

This article discusses the MT of Isa 33,12 and argues that the verse line "the nations will be burned to lime (syd)" is difficult in its context and distorts the parallelism, describing the fall of the enemy of Judah with the help of plant-imagery. Although Am 2,1 is often mentioned in connection with Isa 33,12, closer analysis shows that there are differences between the two texts. It is suggested that the LXX should be followed here, which goes

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Schöpfung und Geburt. Anthropologische Begrifflichkeit in Psalm 139,13-16

According to Gen 1, the “classical” story of the origin of humanity, God began and finished the creation of man on the sixth day. In this view, creation is a one-time divine act dated to the dawn of history. Psalm 139,13-16 provides an alternative concept regarding human origins. The ideas permeating this Psalm are less widespread in the Bible, and they were far less influential for later theological works than the classical biblical accounts

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Survival of the Fittest: Habakkuk and the Changing Trail of the Prophetic Tradition

This article addresses the question why and how earlier prophecies of judgment against Judah, in which the foreign nations appear as agents of YHWH's punishment, came to be reinterpreted and placed in the context of prophecies proclaiming God's judgment on those foreign nations. It is argued here that the well-known literary complexities and logical shifts of the book of Habakkuk should not be explained by a long redactional history. Rather they

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