Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume. Two schemes will be available from October 2010: New Investigator Awards (for "world-class researchers who are no more than five years from appointment to their first academic position, but who can already show that they have the ability to innovate and drive advances in their field of study") Senior Investigator Awards ("Support exceptional, world-class researchers,
Read moreÎn ziua de 23 martie, ora 10.30, în aula Academiei Române va avea loc o ceremonie în cadrul căreia acad. Ionel Haiduc, preşedintele Academiei Române, va înmâna distincţii academice unor personalităţi de prestigiu internaţional din domeniile chimiei, biochimiei şi medicinii moleculare. • Înmânarea însemnelor de membru de onoare al Academiei Române Profesorului Baruch Samuel Blumberg, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru medicină
Read moreInstitut dEtudes Scientifiques de Cargčse - Corsica (France) Second International Workshop-School CHAOS and DYNAMICS in BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS May 3 - 8, 2010 Scientific organization: Bernard Cazelles (ENS, Paris), Mario Chavez (Hôpital de la Salpętričre, Paris), Maurice Courbage (Université Paris 7- Denis Diderot) Scientific committee:V. Afraďmovich (Mexique), B. Cazelles (France), M. Chavez (France),
Read moreIn atentia studentilor si absolventilor facultatilor de medicina, farmacie, biologie, chimie sau fizica Institutul de Biologie si Patologie Celulara Nicolae Simionescu, str. B.P. Hasdeu nr. 8, sector 5, Bucuresti, cauta colaborator pentru un proiect de cercetare in cadrul temei: Studiul proteinelor integrale ale jonctiunilor stranse dintre celulele endoteliale, responsabil Dr. Ciprian Neagoe. Candidatul care va fi selectat are urmatorul profil: -
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Read moreA postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Dorin Bogdan Borza in the Department of Medicine at Vanderbilt University. Our research focuses on autoimmune and inherited kidney diseases involving type IV collagen of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). This position will investigate how immune tolerance toward type IV collagen of the GBM is normally established in health, broken in autoimmune Goodpasture disease, or impaired in
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Read moreProgramul simpozionului "Darwin, evolutia speciilor si gandirea evolutionista" este disponibil la adresa Vorbitorii invitati sunt Denis Buican, Ilie Parvu, Octavian Popescu si Mircea Flonta.
Read moreTwo-three year research fellowship investigating interactions among hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and genetics is available at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. This is a laboratory-based position focused on molecular and cellular mechanisms of hormonally mediated cardiovascular disease. There are opportunities to interact with clinical scientists focused on the same area. This position is ideally suited for
Read moreONE POSTDOCTORAL POSITION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology One postdoctoral position is immediately available to study vacuolar ATPase proton pumps in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Applicants would have a PhD in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, or a related field. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated experience in yeast genetics. The ideal candidate
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