Inscriere cercetatori

Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Conferinţă – Oportunităţi de finanţare şi mobilitate în noua Zonă de Cercetare Europeană şi Programul Cadru VI – Perspective pentru tinerii cercetători – Cluj, 22 octombrie; Bucuresti, 24 octombrie

Aceste conferinţe vor prezenta tuturor celor interesaţi (cercetători, cadre universitare, doctoranzi, studenţi) oportunităţile de finanţare şi de mobilitate care sunt oferite de nou înfiinţata Zonă de Cercetare Europeană şi de Programul Cadru VI. Conferinţele vor avea loc: - în data de 22 octombrie 2002, începând cu ora 9, la Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Aula Magna, str. Kogălniceanu nr. 1, Cluj. Detalii la:

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Cercetarea Europeana 2002 – Conferinta

European Research 2002 The European Research Area and the Framework Programme Brussels, 11-12-13 November 2002 From 11 to 13 November 2002 the European Commission will hold a major conference to mark the launch of the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for research, which will cover the period from 2002 to 2006. The major features of this three-day event are as follows. Sessions addressing all the main thematic priorities of the Framework Programme as

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Conferinta Internationala de Romanistica in onoarea Lilianei Tasmowski

Invitati: Carmen DOBROVIE Liliane HAEGEMAN Richard KAYNE Brenda LACA Sanda REINHEIMER Johan ROORYCK Detalii complete la: rom/nl/onderzoek/congres_tasmowski/hommage_Tasmowski.html

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Post Graduate Studentship in Silicon Cochlea Design, Oxford

UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE Post Graduate Studentship in Silicon Cochlea Design Applications are invited for a 3 year EPSRC funded research studentship in the Microelectronic Circuits and Analogue Devices Research Group within the Department of Engineering Science. The position is available to commence at any time prior to 1 October 2002. A successful candidate will have

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Second European Knowledge Management Summer School, 2-6 September 2002, Sophia Antipolis, France

> ¤~¤ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ¤~¤ > > KMSS2002 > Second European Knowledge Management Summer School > organised by the European KM Forum, EUDOKMA, CERAM, > INRIA, eCKM, GESC-Marseille. > > " The New Scope of Knowledge Management in > Theory and Practice " > > 2-6 September 2002, Sophia Antipolis, France > >¤~~~~~~~~~¤~~~~~~~~~¤~~~~~~~~~~¤~~~~~~~~~¤~~~~~~~~~¤ > >The summer school is designed to promote latest >developments on topics at the

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Workshop 28-29 May 2002, Cluj-Napoca

The aim of the meeting is to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions about the applicability of FT-IR, FT-Raman & micro-Raman techniques in different research topics of analytical science, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, environment. The main goal is the presentation of the ability, flexibility and advantages of performing applied research and interdisciplinary applications with the new acquired BRUKER apparatus FT-IR EQUINOX 55 SPECTROMETER

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PhD positions, cognitive neuroimaging, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Ph.D. positions F. C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging University of Nijmegen Nijmegen, The Netherlands Two Ph.D. positions are available to study the role of neuronal coherence in human cognition in the Neurophysiology group of the F. C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, headed by Pascal Fries (see Fries et al. Science 2001; Fries et al. Nature Neuroscience, 2001; Fries et al. J. Neurosci. 2002). The F.C. Donders Centre is a recently

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PhD, postdoc positions in auditory modelling, psychophysical testing, plasticity in the auditory system, McMaster University, Canada

RESEARCH POSITIONS AND TRAINING OPPORTIUNITES IN AUDITORY MODELLING, PSYCHOPHYSICAL TESTING, AND PLASTICITY IN THE AUDITORY SYSTEM AT MCMASTER UNIVERSITY We are seeking candidates for the following three positions in human auditory neuroscience at McMaster University. Students interested in PhD training in the these fields are also invited to contact us. (1) COMPUTATIONAL MODELS OF HEARING LOSS Postdoctoral and doctoral candidates are sought to develop

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Forumul tinerilor cu studii in strainatate, Bucuresti, 20-21 iunie 2002

Forumul Tinerilor Romani cu Studii in Strainatate Editia a doua, Bucuresti, 20-21 iunie 2002 Al doilea anunt OBIECTIV. Forumul isi propune, printr-o discutie intre tinerii care studiaza sau au studiat in strainatate si reprezentantii autoritatilor statului, sa gaseasca solutiile pentru integrarea cit mai benefica a celor dintii in societatea romaneasca la terminarea studiilor. ORGANIZATORI. Asociatia "Tinerii pentru Actiune Civica"-ATAC cu sprijinul

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Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics, Max Plank Institute, Berlin, funding available

>NEWS: FUNDING AVAILABLE - DEADLINE EXTENDED > >Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics: >Special focus: Emotions as Foundations of Bounded Rationality >Max Planck Institute for Human Development >Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition >Berlin, Germany, August 13 - 21, 2002 > >we would like to draw your attention to the second Summer Institute on >Bounded Rationality in Psychology and Economics that will take place

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