Inscriere cercetatori

Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Oportunitati finantare


******************************************************************** PHD AND POSTDOC POSITIONS AT THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BASEL, SWITZERLAND -- Workgroup of Gianluca Crippa I am looking for candidates for PhD or Post-Doc positions under my supervision in the newly established Analysis Group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Basel (Switzerland). The main lines of research I am interested in developing

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Genetics Internship/PhD/Postdoc Opportunity in Japan

Maeshima Laboratory at National Institute of Genetics (Mishima, Japan) is seeking for a highly motivated student to study human genome organization in the chromosome by novel interdisciplinary approaches including physics and chemistry. Maeshima et al. (2010). Chromatin structure: does the 30-nm fibre exist in vivo? Current Opinion in Cell Biology 22, 1-7. In NIG PhD course, all the education

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Doctorand in Reciclarea materialelor industriale, Universitatea tehnica Chalmers, Suedia

Aplicatii: Ultima data pentru primirea CV-urilor: 15 August 2011

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Pozitie de doctorand la Insitutul Max Planck din Muenster, Germania

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Your big idea could win $20,000

Do you have an idea for a product that could generate new jobs, help the environment, or improve our health and safety? Your design could win $20,000 in the ninth annual "Create the Future" Design Contest, sponsored by COMSOL, Creo - a PTC product, and Tech Briefs Media Group. Visit for the exciting details. There is no cost to enter. New this year is an Electronics Design category sponsored by Digi-Key Corp. Additional

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Start-up competition in Eco-Innovation – University of Versailles – Paris

A competition has been launched, for young entrepreneurs capable to develop new enteprises (start-up) on water-related issues in a French context (Paris region). The winner will be awarded 10 000 + 10 000 Euros for 1 year, and will be co-incubated at ECONOVING, an International Chair in Generating Eco-Innovation at the University of Versailles, and SAUR water company. Location: near one of the campuses of the University of Versailles. Details in

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The Siemens Smart Grid Innovation Contest

The Smart Grid Innovation Contest consists of two phases: during the first phase, ideas are generated and developed in a collaborative community. In the second phase, universities are invited to submit research proposals to further elaborate and develop ideas. Idea contest (for everyone) from April 13 to May 31 2011. Call for proposals (for universities) from October 4 to November 30 2011. Siemens will award 15,000 Euro and a workshop trip to Berlin

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Competitii CNCS – UEFISCDI 2011

Competitie 2011 - Proiecte de Cercetare Exploratorie CNCS impreuna cu UEFISCDI au lansat Competitia 2011 pentru Proiectele de Cercetare Exploratorie, Program IDEI. Pachetul de informatii asociat competitiei poate fi accesat aici: . Termenul de depunere al cererilor de finantare este 06.05.2011 Competitie 2011 – Proiecte de Cercetare Postdoctorala

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Chirurgia cancerului pulmonar dupa tratament neoadjuvant prin radio-chimioterapie

Tratamentul chirurgical al cancerului pulmonar local avansat dupa radio-chimioterapie in scop neoadjuvant este f. complex. Putine studii multicentrice, randomizate se refera la aceasta tema. Cautam un absolvent al facultatii de medicina interesat in lucrare de doctorat cu cunostiinte de limba germana care sa participe la aceasta tema. Paralel poate participa si la trainingul de.chirurgie generala si/sau toracica.

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Controls Engineer – SAF Holland- Holland, MI

SAF-HOLLAND, Inc. is a global leader in the manufacture and supply of key systems and components for the trailer, truck, tractor, bus, and motor home industries. Our product range includes premium axle and suspension systems, fifth wheels, kingpins, couplings, and landing gears. We are currently seeking an innovative Controls Engineer to join our team in either Holland or Muskegon, MI. We are seeking candidates who are self-directed, with excellent

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