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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


NY Times – Despre plaga plagiatelor

"Many Germans believe the scandals are rooted in their abiding respect, and even lust, for academic accolades, including the use of Prof. before Dr. and occasionally Dr. Dr. for those with two doctoral degrees. Prof. Dr. Volker Rieble, a law professor at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, calls this obsession “title arousal.”"

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Funeriu: Eu m-am luptat pentru elitele care vor o cariera universitara in Romania. Acum aceste elite au vazut ca se poate, e randul lor acum sa lupte.

Daniel Funeriu: "Eu m-am luptat pentru elitele care vor o cariera universitara in Romania. Acum aceste elite au vazut ca se poate, e randul lor acum sa lupte. Daca ei sunt lasi, nesolidari si tac pentru ca le e frica de pierderea unor beneficii meschine, atunci cred ca va trece mult timp pana un alt ministru se va lupta pentru ei asa cum am facut-o eu. Si asta ar insemna ca isi merita soarta 100%. Stiti cu cata ferocitate lupta mediocritatea? Si

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Ce standarde minimale se aplică concursurilor pe posturi universitare de la începutul anului 2013?

Standardele minimale aplicabile concursurilor de la începutul anului 2012 sunt cele din metodologiile proprii ale universităţilor, adoptate cândva înainte de sfârşitul lui octombrie 2012 şi care trebuie să respecte standardele minimale în vigoare la acea dată.

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New Open Journal with Open Reviews

From Ths Scientist: "PeerJ comes in the midst of an ongoing debate about the foundation of science publishing, and a push by many in the research community to be more open. (See “Whither Science Publishing?” for a full discussion.) The journal has assembled an editorial board of 800 academics along with an advisory board that includes five Nobel laureates. The decision of whether to publish a submitted manuscript is based more on scientific validity

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No European Research Council funding for Romania

"The European Research Council (ERC) is awarding €680 million to 302 senior research leaders in 24 different countries across Europe1 in the latest competition for its prestigious 'Advanced Grants'. With up to €2.5 million per project, the funding allows these scientists to pursue their most ground-breaking ideas at the frontiers of knowledge together with their own teams." No winners are from Romania and no grants will go to Romania. Details at:

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Andrei Marga, former rector of Babes Bolyai University and Minister of Education was secret police informer under Communism

Details in Romanian here:

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PhD student proposed as minister of Science in Romania

Mihnea Costoiu, a PhD student in Economics, was proposed as minister for Science in the new Romanian government lead by Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who was himself found guilty of plagiarism earlier this year. Despite his lack of credentials, Costoiu was elected Rector of the largest polytechnic university of the country in Bucharest this year. Details in Romanian here:

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Professor of European Studies attacks use of English in the Romanian research system

Ovidiu Pecican, Professor at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj (Department of European Studies) repeatedly attacked the use of English in the Romanian research system characterizing it as a sign of "servility of historical proportions". In response to criticism he argues that the widespread use of external evaluation for grants at the European level is not appropriate for Romania.

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Letter to Nature: Romania needs overseas reviewers

Members of the first overseas grant-review panel to operate in Romania wrote a letter of concern in this week's issue of Nature while praising the review system introduced a year ago: "...we are therefore concerned to learn that the research minister intends to discontinue the use of international referees (Nature; 2012) in a scheme originally

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Will plagiarism have political effects in Romania? Editorial in Nature

Nature's editorial "Suspend disbelief" (Dec 5, 2012) identifies the long term lack of "an appropriately funded, meritocratic system" as the root cause for the declining low quality level of the Romanian research system. Against this long decline background, the recent events since the access to power of USL government led by Victor Ponta are compared in the editorial with a absurdist play by Eugene Ionesco. Proven plagiarist, Mr. Ponta has appointed

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