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Autori: Gata, Anca
Editorial: Lagorgette, Dominique & Pierre Larrivée (eds.), Lincom Europa, Représentations du sens linguistique, p.405-420, 2002.
The paper is concerned with the pragmatic interpretation of utterances and discourse in which verbal forms such as the French „futur simple” and „futur antérieur” are used. Since each utterance can be equated to a speech act or can be seen as part of a speech macro-act, an integrated pragmatic approach of the above mentioned forms is possible. The pragmatic analysis leads to the possibility of elaborating a pragmatic taxonomy of the French „futurs” to associate and classify their various uses into five types corresponding to the five types of speecha acts identified by Searle (1969), following Austin (1962).
Paper presented in International Conference
Cuvinte cheie: speech acts, pragmatic interpretation, future tense, illocutionary force