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Autori: Gata, Anca
Editorial: Alain Milon et Marc Perelman, Presses Universitaires de Paris 10, Paris, Le livre et ses espaces, p.613-630, 2007.
This study considers Maurice Blanchot’s „The Space of Literature” as an argumentation in favour of the idea that the (literary) work creates a space. One of the main characteristics of this space is that it takes the author and the reader to an out of time world, a crossroads where numberless ways open in front of each of them. Taking one way means giving up another, which makes any such decision painful. One of the most interesting concepts in argumentation theory, dissociation, is used throughout the article. It brings to light argumentative moves by which Blanchot distinguishes between real space and the space of literature as lived by the author and the reader, respectively.
Cuvinte cheie: disociere, argumentare, carte, literatura // dissociation, argumentation, book, literature