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Autori: Cristian Ciocan (ed.)
Editorial: Zeta Books, 2009.
Today it might be needless to remind that the relationship between phenomenology and theology is one of the most debated topics in the field of continental philosophy. Beginning with the Husserlian investigations of religious life, passing through Heidegger’s discussion of the sacred, and ending with the “theological turn” of the French phenomenology (admittedly illustrated by E. Levinas, M. Henry, J.-L. Marion or J.-Y. Lacoste), in conjunction with the ever-growing interest of contemporary theologians in the phenomenological method, the conceptual boundaries between these two “types of discourse” have been ceaselessly shifted. Until this day the subject remains highly controversial and, indeed, bears witness to a necessary discussion in contemporary thought.
It is for these very reasons that the Romanian Society for Phenomenology has organized in August 2007 an international symposium in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu during a period when this beautiful town was hailed as “European Capital of Culture.” The event brought together phenomenologists with a declared interest in the subject of the sacred and its multiple discourses, on the one hand, and Christian theologians who openly welcome the phenomenological and “post-metaphysical” understanding of Being, on the other. Amongst the questions that the participants have tried to address, we can remind: how could phenomenology contribute to a better understanding of religious life? What are the limits of the phenomenological description and its underlying hermeneutical enterprise, when faced with the task of a philosophical understanding of the sacred? Is there any room left for narrative in the phenomenological world of noetic abstractions? What are the major theological challenges of various phenomenologists who, against the lures of relativism, still think in line with the classical assumptions of universal rationality?
Cuvinte cheie: Phenomenology, Theology, Gift, Eucharist, Truth