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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Editorial: ENEC 2008, 2007.
Most of the econometric and econophysics models have been borrowed from the
statistical physics, and as a consequence, a new interdisciplinary science called econophysics has
emerged. In this paper we planned to extend the analogy between different economic processes or phenomena and processes/phenomena from different fields of physics, other than statistical physics. On the basis of the economic development process and amplification phenomenon analogy, a new econophysics model, named „economic amplifier”, on the electronic amplification principle from applied physics was proposed und largely analyzed.
Cuvinte cheie: econofizica, amplificator, tranzistor, FET, model // econophysics, amplifier, transistor, FET, model