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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în volumul unei conferinţe
Autori: Eduard Edelhauser, Lupu-Dima Lucian, Ionicã Andreea
Editorial: Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Todesco Publishing House, Proceedings of the 2nd Review of Management and Economic Engineering Management Conference: Management of Crisis or Crisis of Management, p.254-261, 2011.
The practical value of this study was to design a best practice guide for the ad-vanced management methods in Romanian organizations.
The practical study is oriented towards Romanian companies and deals with the dependence between the level of business software imple-mentation in every business function or department and the implementation of seven main advanced decision management methods.
The practical value of this study was to design a best practice guide for the advanced management methods in Romanian organizations.
The research has revealed the global IT and specific ERP and BI imple-menting level, as advanced management methods, in the 2010 Romanian organizations, and has a high level of originality, such a study has been never conducted before for computer based advanced management methods implementation.
Cuvinte cheie: Implicatii ale sistemelor informatice in economie // Advanced Management Methods