Articolele autorului Eduard Edelhauser
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Best Practice Guide for Using Advanced Management Methods in Romanian Organizations

The practical value of this study was to design a best practice guide for the ad-vanced management methods in Romanian organizations. The practical study is oriented towards Romanian companies and deals with the dependence between the level of business software imple-mentation in every business function or department and the implementation of seven main advanced decision management methods. The practical value of this study was to design a best practice

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IT&C Impact on the Romanian Business and Organizations. The Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence Methods Influence on Manager’s Decision: A Case Study

The aim of the paper is to study the use of the advanced management methods in the 2010 year in Romania. The research results were obtained with the use of a questionnaire, and our purpose was to demonstrate some hypothesis concerning identify the effect that implementation of ERP and BI applications in all functions of an organization has over the management method and the IT&C based decision. The originality of this article consists in the study

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A Business Intelligence Software Made in Romania, a Solution for Romanian Companies During the Economic Crisis

The paper focuses on a modern prospective IT&C sector, which embeds simulation and assistance tools for managerial decisions. The team of authors studies aspects of this field by using the IT&C methods as management tools, and here we refer to Decision Support Systems (DSS), Business Intelligence (BI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). In addition, they have been implementing integrated information systems in Romanian organisations for more

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Sisteme informatice în managementul resurselor umane

The managers and users (final or not) of the advanced management methods and of informational systems need not know the complex technologies, the abstract concepts or the specialized applications belonging to informational systems; instead, they should be provided a definite conceptual framework of, at least, five areas: the fundamental concepts of the informational system, the applications of informational systems, the development of informational

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