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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Articol în revistã ştiinţificã
Autori: Nuno Carlos Leitão
Editorial: Actual Problems of Economics, 9, p.343-348, 2011.
This article focuses on the importance of tourism by investigating the relationship between
tourist arrivals and the tourism share in economic growth. The findings are consistent with the lit
erature on tourism. Tourist arrivals have positive impact on economic growth. We also find that
bilateral trade and investment output are determinants of economic growth. This paper specifies
static and dynamic panel models for the period of 19952008 between Portugal and 20 partners.
We apply the dynamic panel models to observe serial correlation and the endogeneity of some
explanatory variables.
Cuvinte cheie: tourism; economic growth; Portugal; panel data.