Articolele autorului Nuno Carlos Leitao
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This article focuses on the importance of tourism by investigating the relationship between tourist arrivals and the tourism share in economic growth. The findings are consistent with the lit erature on tourism. Tourist arrivals have positive impact on economic growth. We also find that bilateral trade and investment output are determinants of economic growth. This paper specifies static and dynamic panel models for the period of 19952008 between

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•Foreign Direct Investment and Globalization

The main objective of this article is to explain the link between foreign direct investment and globalization. The determinants of the location were used as market size, human capital, and urban population. Beyond these one institutional variable was introduced – the impact of global ization on FDI. The study applies a panel data approach (fixed effects and GMM system estimator). The results show that market size and globalization have positive

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∗This study examines the determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT), horizontal IIT (HIIT) and vertical IIT (VIIT) in the automobile industry in Portugal. The trade in this sector between Portugal and the European Union (EU-27) was examined, between 1995 and 2008. These results indicate that intra-industry trade occurs more frequently among countries that are similar in terms of factor endowments. The findings support the theory that, in general,

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•Immigration and Trade

This paper investigates the relationship between intra-industry trade (IIT), horizontal IIT, vertical IIT (VIIT) and immigration flows using a gravity model for the period 1995-2008 amongst Portugal and European Union’s Member States (EU-27). Using a panel data approach, the results show a positive correlation between immigration and IIT. These outcomes indicate that the immigration can reduce transaction costs between home and host country. We

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US Marginal Intra-Industry Trade and Country Characteristics

This study examines the marginal intra-industry trade (MIIT) and its components horizontally and marginal vertical intra-industry trade (MVIIT) applied to the United States. We present an alternative methodology to evaluate marginal intra-industry trade (MIIT) which was presented by Thom and McDowell (1999) and Azhar and Elliot (2008). Using a panel data approach, the results show a negative correlation between endowments and marginal intra-industry

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•GMM Estimator: An Application to Intra-Industry Trade

This paper investigates the determinants of intraindustry trade IIT, horizontal IIT HIIT, and Vertical IIT VIIT in the automobile industry in Portugal. The trade in this sector between Portugal and the European Union EU-27 was examined, between 1995 and 2008, using a dynamic panel data.We apply the GMM system to solve the problems of serial correlation and the endogeneity of some explanatory variables. The findings are consistent with the

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Fragmentation, Vertical Intra-Industry Trade and Automobile Components

By analyzing vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT) within Portugal's automobile parts and components industry, this study adds new empirical evidence for the international fragmentation of the production process. For trade partner countries, we choose the EU countries, the BRICs, and the US during the period 1995 to 2005. From panel data analysis, the empirical evidence supports the notion that shorter geographical distance, dissimilar income levels,

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