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Domenii publicaţii > Economie + Tipuri publicaţii > Carte
Autori: Tiberiu Brãilean, Aurelian-Petruș Plopeanu
Editorial: Institutul European, Romania, 2012.
Beyond the pragmatic and rational epistemology of the mainstream economics, the authors try to show that economics is simply rediscovering the objective essences, independent of the subject they observe, relevant by multiplying clear and distinct ideas, with Divine guarantee of the reality of perceptual intuitions and world’s truths. Therefore, economics would be no longer a branch of metaphysics, but a discipline that is based on our overall concept built regarding knowledge and the world. And today the root of its difficulties is based on the overcome of formalism and the detection of a value based theory, which, being forbidden, it puts us unable to rely on the the persistency and consistency of the real.
Cuvinte cheie: economic systems, economic development, inflation, economic crisis, capitalism, globalization