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Autori: Petrişor AI
Editorial: Daniels JA, Nova Science Publishers, Advances in Environmental Research, 30, p.281-290, 2013.
A relatively new concept, ‘global change’, refined over the last decade to account for the energy – land use – climate change nexus, describes all changes induced by the human species and its activities affecting natural ecosystems and their biodiversity. This chapter reviews several research projects carried out within the national boundaries of Romania, all attempting to pinpoint, explain and predict the impact of ‘hotspots’ showing potential threats due to climate changes (particularly extremely high temperatures and low precipitations), urbanization and other phenomena induced by socio-economic development during the transition period, and changes in the distribution of primary eco-energies. All studies share a methodology based on using geostatistical tools to create continuous surface starting from point data. The advantage of this approach is its ability to suggest hotspots, but at the same time the generalizing character impairs its use at local scales. Later studies carried out by other researchers confirmed the validity of predictions showing changes of the flora induced by the presence of species characterizing warmer climates in parallel with the reduction of the original ones in areas affected by climate change and shifts of the specific compositions in areas exposed to intense land use changes.
Cuvinte cheie: land cover and use changes, CORINE, transitional dynamics, kriging, desertification