Articolele autorului Camelia Elias
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Camelia Elias

Between Gazes: Feminist, Queer, and ‘Other’ Films

In this book Camelia Elias introduces key terms in feminist, queer, and postcolonial/diaspora film. Taking her point of departure in the question, "what do you want from me?" she detours through Lacanian theory of the gaze and reframes questions of subjectivity and representation in an entertaining entanglement of visual with textual poetics in film.

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Prose/Poetry – The Prose Poem: Generic Dualities
Dreaming Aphorisms
Federman Frenzy: the ‘cult’ in culture, the ‘me’ in memory, the ‘he’ in history – encounters with Raymond Federman

Celebrated American author Raymond Federman is 80 this year. The present volume, which is a collaboration between scholars at Aalborg and Roskilde University, marks this event in addition to introducing Federman to the general public. As Federman has given the editor, Camelia Elias, his permission “to use and abuse whatever you need and want from my work including my body,” she has not hesitated to do so. The result is a fascinating read. The

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„Unbeginnings: The Fragment as a Round Space”
„Stumbling unto Grace – Invention and the Poetics of Imagination in Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach”
„Portraits in Pain: the Psychology of Inspiration in Lynn Emanuel’s poems”
„Passage-way to Culture and Writing – Literature of Transit: Codrescu, Federman, Hoffman, and Simic”
„A Mile in her Shoes: Culture Metamorphoses in Rebecca Miller’s Personal Velocity”
Cultural Text Studies 1: An Introduction

Cultural Text Studies is a research project initiated by the Department of Languages, Culture and Aesthetics at Aalborg University. The present intro­duct­ory volume launches a series of themed monographs which will be edited by researchers at the Dept., occasionally aided by friends and associates from other programmes. The purpose of the series is to be a forum for the publication of results of research in the broadly defined area of cultural

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