Articolele autorului Romulus-Catalin Damaceanu
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Structural mutations in the commercial activity

The evolution of commercial activity was characterized by profound mutations of this period generated by dynamic movements that join economic sector. These modifications of structure in trade field will determine an increased degree of flexibility for foreign trade companies and for their capacity to adapt at internal and external environment.

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Monetary macroeconomics at EU level

In this paper we analyze some political aspects regarding monetary macroeconomics at EU level, stressing the importance of Maastricht Treaty of 1992, the monetary crisis that occurred in Europe in 1992-1993, we describe the advantages and disadvantages of Euro creation, we discuss about criteria and phases to enter in Euro zone, we analyze the specific situation of Romania, and we present our conclusion about the future of Euro zone and the consequences

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A Multi-Agent Computational Model of Trade

In this paper we describe how you can implement a multi-agent computational model of trade using NetLogo. We did a number of 12 computer experiments. The first five experiments are dealing with the case when resources are renewable and trade is opened. The next five computer experiments are dealing with the case when resources are renewable and trade is closed. The last two computer experiments are dealing with the case when resources are non-renewable.

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An Agent-based Computational Study of Wealth Distribution in Function of Technological Progress Using Netlogo

In this paper, we computed Gini coefficient in function of technological progress modeled using agent-based methodology in the frame of NetLogo software. We start from the simplest type of society (agrarian society), continue with the industrial one where we model the phenomenon of industrial revolution with four waves, and end with green revolution with other four waves. The conclusion is that technological progress has a negative influence on equality

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Foreign trade operations

Operations of foreign trade represent the ways in which is done the exchange of goods and services between national economy and other countries in the world . Operations of foreign trade contain: exports, imports, re-exports of goods and services developed by the national economy in the frame of international trade. The complexity of foreign trade operations is given by a lot of acts, economic agents implied in their developing and basic documents

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Agent-based Computational Social Sciences using NetLogo

This book explores how researchers can use NetLogo software platform in the field of Social Sciences and is organized like this: (i) The first chapter is an introduction of the book that gives to readers the essential information regarding the field of Agent-based Computational Social Sciences; (ii) The second chapter will make a conceptual validation of the agent-based computational model of an artificial society implemented using NetLogo software

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Applied Computational Mathematics in Social Sciences

The book is an interdisciplinary approach that combines knowledge from Applied Computational Mathematics and Social Sciences with the scope to observe, analyze and discuss the evolution of an artificial society composed by intelligent agents created in the frame of NetLogo platform. The book is organized like this: (i) the first chapter is the introduction of the book that gives the essential information to the reader, regarding the two major fields

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The exchange rate regime and the international trade

The analysis of complex relation between the exchange rate regime and the international trade is done based on the next methodological principles: 1) The analysis of pure theory of international trade; 2) The analysis of the main theoretical approaches of the international trade taking into consideration the monetary factor; 3) A historical analysis of the relation between the exchange rates regime and the international trade; 4) The mathematical

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An agent-based computational study of wealth distribution in function of resource growth interval using NetLogo

We describe an agent-based computational model that simulates the distribution of wealth in three classes: upper, middle and lower. The experimental data show us that: (1) the wealth of economy based on renewable resources is increasing if the resource growth interval is decreasing with the condition that the other factors remained unchanged; (2) the wealth of an economy based on renewable resources is higher in comparison with the wealth of an economy

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The Exchange Rate Regime and International Trade

The study of the relation between the exchange rates regime and international trade is done using an inter-disciplinary vision that contains knowledge from four different disciplines: economics, history, mathematics and computer sciences. In the case of pure theory of international trade, there is made an abstraction of the fact that international trade is done using money. The theoretical analysis of international trade including themonetary factor

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