Articolele autorului Gabriel Istrate
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Tenth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2008)

Timisoara, September 26-29, 2008. Deadline: June 10. Details:

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International Workshop on Stochastic Phenomena (Cluj, Romania)


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Albert Einstein on religion

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Adversarial Scheduling Analysis of Game-Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion

In [Istrate, Marathe, Ravi SODA 2001] we advocated the investigation of robustness of results in the theory of learning in games under adversarial scheduling models. We provide evidence that such an analysis is feasible and can lead to nontrivial results by investigating, in an adversarial scheduling setting, Peyton Young's model of diffusion of norms. In particular, our main result incorporates contagion into Peyton Young's model. A preliminary

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Ranking of European Graduate Programs in Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), a German think-tank for higher education has developed a "Ranking of Excellent European Graduate Programmes in Natural Sciences and Mathematics", available at The report does not appear to include any reference to Romania.

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The Diplomat : Romania removes theory of evolution from school curriculum

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Programul de burse doctorale „Orizonturi Deschise”

Detalii complete: (sursa prezentarii de mai jos). Programul Orizonturi Deschise se adresează acelor tineri care doresc să-şi desăvârşească formaţia intelectuală şi profesională prin programe de master sau doctorat în universităţi prestigioase ale lumii, dar care, din motive financiare, nu îşi pot duce singuri visul la îndeplinire. Fundaţia Dinu Patriciu vine în întâmpinarea acestor

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Satisfying assignments of boolean random Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Clusters and Overlaps

The distribution of overlaps of solutions of a random CSP is an indicator of the overall geometry of its solution space. For random $k$-SAT, nonrigorous methods from Statistical Physics support the validity of the ``one step replica symmetry breaking'' approach. Some of these predictions were rigorously confirmed in cite{cond-mat/0504070/prl} cite{cond-mat/0506053}. There it is proved that the overlap distribution of random $k$-SAT, $kgeq 9$, has

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Counting preimages of TCP reordering patterns

Packet reordering is an important property of network traffic that should be captured by analytical models of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). We study a combinatorial problem motivated by RESTORED, a TCP modeling methodology that incorporates information about packet dynamics. A significant component of this model is a many-to-one mapping $B$ that transforms sequences of packet IDs into buffer sequences, in a manner that is compatible with

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International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Sovata, July 15-20

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