Articolele autorului Ioan Bucur
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Salpingoporella? popgrigorei, a new species of Dasycladales (calcareous algae) from the Lower Aptian deposits of Padurea Craiului (northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania)

A new dasycladalean alga Salpingoporella? popgrigorei n. sp. was identiWed in P8durea Craiului Mountains (northern Apuseni, Romania) in the Lower Aptian limestone of the Valea Bobdei Member. The new alga was found within the external platform coarse bioclastic facies with fragments of corals, sclerosponges, bivalves (including rudists), gastropods, echinoderms, brachiopods, and bryozoans. The micropaleontological assemblage consists of foraminifera,

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Relationship between algae and environment: an Early Cretaceous case study, Trascau Mountains, Romania

The relationship between algae and depositional environment was studied in a limestone succession of Berriasian–Valanginian age. Several depositional environments were recorded from shallow subtidal to intertidal and supratidal, with salinity ranging from normal marine to fresh and/or supersaline water. The algal assemblages consist mainly of dasycladaleans, rivulariacean-type cyanobacteria and charophytes. Nipponophycus (Bryopsydales) and Lithocodium-Bacinella

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Middle Triassic dasyclad algae from Guizhou, China

A rich and diverse association of dasyclad algae occurs in the Middle triassic rocks cropping out in Guizhou Province, China, including Macroporella alpina, Macroporella dinarica, Diplopora annulata, Diplopora annulatissima, Diplopora sinica n. sp., Pseudodiplopora proba n. gen., n. comb., and Julpiaella subtilis n. gen., n.comb. Study of this assemblage offered the opportunity to discuss the complex taxonomy of Diplopora-like dasyclads. A review

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