Articolele autorului Ioan Dzitac
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Identification of ERD using Fuzzy Inference Systems for Brain-Computer Interface

A Brain-Computer Interface uses measurements of scalp electric potential (electroencephalography - EEG) reflecting brain activity, to commu nicate with external devices. Recent developments in electronics and computer sciences have enabled applications that may help users with disabilities and also to develop new types of Human Machine Interfaces. By producing modifica tions in their brain potential activity, the users can perform control of different

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How to Write a Good Paper in Computer Science and How Will It Be Measured by ISI Web of Knowledge

The academic world has come to place enormous weight on bibliometric measures to assess the value of scientific publications. Our paper has two major goals.First, we discuss the limits of numerical assessment tools as applied to computer science publications. Second, we give guidelines on how to write a good paper, where to submit the manuscript, and how to deal with the reviewing process. We report our experience as editors of International Journal

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International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era, 3rd Edition, Arad, November 11-12, 2010 organized by "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad, Address:B-dul Revoluţiei nr. 77, 310130 Arad, Romania, P.O. BOX 2/158 AR Telephone:+40-257-283010 Fax:+40-257-280070 Email:

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Synthetic Genes for Artificial Ants. Diversity in Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms

Inspired from the fact that the real world ants from within a colony are not clones (although they may look alike, they are different from one another), in this paper, the authors are presenting an adapted ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm that incorporates methods and ideas from genetic algorithms (GA). Following the first (introductory) section of the paper is presented the history and the state of the art, beginning with the stigmergy and

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ICCCC 2010: Premiu pentru cea mai buna lucrare a unui doctorand

In cadrul ICCCC 2010 va fi premiata cea mai buna lucrare prezentata de un doctorand. Premiul va consta intr-o diploma de excelenta si 1,000 EUR. Cautam sponsori dispusi sa ofere premiul in bani. Cu multumiri anticipate, Prof. univ. dr. Ioan Dzitac Organizator si fondator al ICCCC Tel.Fax +4 0359 101032 E-mail:

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An ACO Algorithm for Optimal Capacitor Banks Placement in Power Distribution Networks

This paper aims to present and apply an algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for optimal allocation of capacitor banks in electric power distribution networks. A nonlinear function based on costs is used as a criterion of the mathematical optimization model. Also the model imposes equality constraints described by the network operating equations and inequality constraints required to maintain within admissible limits the parameters characterizing

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Models of availability maximization applied to „k-out-of-n” structures for power systems

This paper deals with maintenance aspects focused on reliability and it is divided into three parts. In the first part we focused on the structural and functional optimization of the "k-out-of-n" type systems, including also authors’ contributions. Accordingly, we have introduced in the second part models which maximize the availability of general structures of "k-out-of-n", with an emphasis on the particular cases of n = k + 1 and n = k + 2 type

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Preliminary Issues on Brain – Machine Contextual Communication Structure Development

The increasing sophistication of computer programs and communication systems requires the development of more efficient and interactive human-computer interfaces. One solution to this problem could be the brain-machine interfaces. The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of using context dependent interpretations of EEG signals, in addition to signal processing techniques.

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Wear Simulation through Cellular Automata Method

Cellular automata (CA) are used to simulate a various number of complex processes, based on simple rules applied to a large population of cells. Wear of turbine blades is also a very complex process which is analyzed in most cases using empirical data. The model described in this paper uses cellular automata obeying a set of rules and using values of initial state parameters which were computed by FEA flow analysis (fluid pressure and velocity).

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Final Call for Abstracts (New: ICCCC2010 Best Paper Award for a PhD Student)

Cautam sponsor pentru premierea celei mai bune lucrari al unui doctorand prezentata la ICCCC 2010. Premiul este in valoare de 1.000 EUR. Sponsorului i se va face publicitate pe paginile noastre de web si in materialele tiparite ale conferintei (program, volum etc.). Concursul prevede doar un singur premiu, dar daca se vor gasi mai multi sponsori, pot fi premiate mai multe lucrari.

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