Articolele autorului Dana Jalobeanu
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Noua Atlantida. Traducere, bibliografie adnotata si studiu introductiv de Dana Jalobeanu
Seminarul anual Princeton/Bucharest de filosofie moderna

Seminarul anual de filosofie moderna Princeton/Bucharest este organizat de Centrul de cercetare Fundamentele Modernitatii Europene al Universitatii Bucuresti ( Este un forum de discutii aflat deja la a sasea editie, cunoscut in intreaga lume. Editia din anul acesta reuneste participanti din SUA, Franta, Argentina, Italia si Romania.

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The politics of science and the origins of modernity: Building consensus in Early Royal Society

The formation and consolidation of the English Royal Society in the second part of the seventeenth century has been widely regarded as one of the major points in the spreading the “scientific revolution”. This was partly because of the major success of the Early Royal Society in developing and disseminating a public discourse of science. Two were the major pillars upon which the public discourse of science was constructed: the common set of values

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“Space, bodies and geometry: Some sources of Newton’s metaphysics

In a striking passage at the end of the general conclusion of his celebrated Principia, Newton claims that the natural philosopher is bound to assume the unknown nature of physical bodies, objects of his physics. This paper investigates the sources of such a claim, showing that it originates in a general problem of seventeenth century philosophy, the problem of finding a definition of physical bodies. The search for an adequate definition of physical

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Inventarea Modernitatii: Filosofie naturala, teologie si stiinta in secolul al XVII-lea

This book investigates the interactions between natural philosophy, metaphysics and theology during the seventeenth century, the century of the "scientific revolution". By comparing the various programmes for the reformation of knowledge written during the seventeenth century by early modern philosophers like Bacon, Boyle, Descartes or Newton with their actual result (the mathematical philosophy of Newton and his followers) the author emphasize both

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