Articolele autorului Vlada Marin
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CNIV 2008 – 6th National Conference on Virtual Learning and ICVL 2008 Obiective Implementarea tehnologiilor societatii informationale (IST/FP6/FP7) la nivelul exigentelor Uniunii Europene Elaborarea si realizarea de cercetari, proiecte si aplicatii in domeniile e-Learning, Software si Management educational Aria tematica Modele si Metodologii (e-Learning, e-Pedagogy, e-Training, e-Skills); Tehnologii (ADL, WBE, WBT, VR); Solutii software (CG, Web, AI)

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InterGeo – Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe Making Digital Geometry Content Available For Math Education Throughout Europe Interactive Geometry is a way to improve mathematics education with the help of a computer. With the help of sophisticated software sketches and figures can be brought to life, comparable to what movies mean to images. Although many examples of helpful activities that were created using Interactive Geometry Software exist, interactive geometry

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The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application.

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The World Research Institutes (WRI) The World Research Institutes (WRI) is an international organization dedicated to promoting research innovation and facilitating networking among researchers around the globe, through a series of conferences in various disciplines that are currently enjoying active studies. Conference proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society CPS and all papers in the proceedings will be included in EI Compendex,

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ICVL 2008 – The 3rd International Conference on Virtual Learning

Host: University OVIDIUS Constanta, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, ROMANIA Organizers: University of Bucharest and University OVIDIUS Constanta in cooperation with SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania Sponsors: National Authority for Scientific Research, SIVECO SA company, Bucharest, Romania Homepage: Email: icvl[at] Deadline for abstracts: June 20, 2008 Description: At the Lisbon European Council

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E-Learning Technologies – Achievement and Perspectives

Information Society has led to the use of IT&C as a reference point for systematic changes in educational systems, and challenges have been shaped, in the beginning, on three major directions, having as starting points the Lisbon and Feira Summits: equipping schools, training teachers and providing the necessary resources

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Statistical Software (EpiInfo si SPSS) and information processing of DEMODEF project

information processing of DEMODEF project, statistical software (EpiInfo, SPSS), DEMODEF project

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From Green theorem to computational geometry

Computational Geometry Algorithms, Practical calculation of Polygonal Areas

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Information Society Technologies -The four waves of information technologies

Human society development is accomplished (achieved) by knowledge and learning. Roger Bohn's concept "Learning is evolution of knowledge over time" is based upon the development and evolution of information technologies and communications. This paper presents in a systematic way the development and evolution in the field of Computer Science and approaches the principles in building applications and software products. The technologies that impelled

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Informatics. Multimedia Technologies

Computer Science, Windows, Word, Excel, Internet

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