Articolele autorului Marius-F. Danca
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Second International Workshop-School CHAOS and DYNAMICS in BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS

Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargčse - Corsica (France) Second International Workshop-School CHAOS and DYNAMICS in BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS May 3 - 8, 2010 Scientific organization: Bernard Cazelles (ENS, Paris), Mario Chavez (Hôpital de la Salpętričre, Paris), Maurice Courbage (Université Paris 7- Denis Diderot) Scientific committee:V. Afraďmovich (Mexique), B. Cazelles (France), M. Chavez (France),

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Attractors synthesis of a class of networks

In this paper, we prove numerically and computationally that the attractors synthesis algorithm introduced in [1] for a class of dynamical systems can be applied for a class of networks too. While the underlying initial value problem is numerically integrated, if the control parameter is switched within a considered set of values, the obtained attractor will belong to the class of all attractors of the considered network. Moreover, this synthesized

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Attractors synthesis for a Lotka-Volterra-like system

The aim of this paper is to prove numerically, via computer graphic simulations, that the synthesis algorithm provided by Danca et al. in [M.-F. Danca, W. K. S. Tang, G. Chen, A switching scheme for synthesizing attractors of dissipative chaotic systems, Appl. Math. Comput. 201 (2008) 650-667] can be utilized to synthesize any attractor of a dynamical system modeling a two-predator, one prey Lotka-Volterra like system. The algorithm switches in a

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Synthesizing the Lü attractor by parameter-switching
Graduate students interested in Mathematics and Climate Change

Dear Colleagues, Do you know of graduate students interested in Mathematics and Climate Change? Graduate students can APPLY FOR FUNDING to attend the MSRI-NCAR Summer Graduate School on Mathematics of Climate Change at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, July 12-23, 2010. More information and application instructions can be found at http:// The deadline for applications is

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Fractional-order attractors synthesis via parameter switchings

In this paper we provide numerical evidence, via graphics generated with the help of computer simulations, that switching the control parameter of a dynamical system belonging to a class of fractional-order systems in a deterministic way, one obtains an attractor which belongs to the class of all admissible attractors of the considered system. For this purpose, while a multistep numerical method for fractional-order differential equations approximates

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Integrity Under Attack: The State of Scholarly Publishing

Integrity Under Attack: The State of Scholarly Publishing By Douglas N. Arnold (SIAM News) Scientific journals are surely important. They provide the most effective means for disseminating and archiving scientific results, and so are a key part of an enterprise on which our health, security, and prosperity ultimately depend. Publications are used by universities, funding agencies, and others as a primary measure of research productivity and impact.

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symposium on Dynamical Data Analysis of Multiscale Systems

Dear Colleague: Because of your considerable expertise in the field, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in the symposium on Dynamical Data Analysis of Multiscale Systems to be held at The 16th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM) at Penn State University, June 27 - July 2, 2010. This symposium will examine new developments in time series analysis that allow researchers to experimentally characterize

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Doctoral Consortium for Ph.D. students – 2010 IEEE ICNSC (Chicago, April 11-13, 2010)

Dear Colleagues, The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2010 in Chicago) is very pleased to organize a Doctoral Consortium for Ph.D. students from all over the world. We would appreciate it very much if you could forward the following message to Ph.D. students in your institution. Sincerely, Houshang Darabi Program Chair 2010 IEEE ICNSC and Haibo He Doctoral Consortium Chair 2010 IEEE ICNSC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Chaotic behavior of a class of discontinuous dynamical systems of fractional-order

In this paper the chaos persistence in a class of discontinuous dynamical systems of fractional-order is analyzed. To that end, the Initial Value Problem is first transformed, by using the Filippov regularization [1], into a set-valued problem of fractional-order, then by Cellina's approximate selection theorem [2,3], the problem is approximated into a single-valued fractional-order roblem, which is numerically solved by using a numerical scheme

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