Articolele autorului Raul Cristian Muresan
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O romanca primeste premiul CAREER pentru continuarea cercetarii in domeniul cancerului

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ARCA: Visul romanesc de a atinge luna

Per aspera ad astra. Iata o fraza luata cuvant cu cuvant de ARCA, un grup de temerari si entuziasti ingineri si cercetatori romani care se indreapta spre nu mai putin decat... Luna. Echipa romaneasca participa la competitia Google Lunar X Prize.

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Cercetatori romani exceptionali din diaspora

Foarte multi cercetatori romani exceptionali aleg sa paraseasca Romania datorita dificultatilor inerente si a lipsei de perspectiva in cariera stiintifica din tara. In strainatate, acestia reprezinta Romania la cele mai inalte standarde, cu toate ca, din pacate, realizarile lor raman frecvent neobservate in tara. Un asemenea cercetator exceptional este Radu Ignat, un om de stiinta de mare valoare din Franta. Acestuia i-a fost decernat in anul 2007

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Asociatia Ad Astra face propuneri pentru reformarea sistemului de evaluare a granturilor de cercetare

Asociatia Ad Astra considera extrem de importanta reformarea sistemului de evaluare pentru finantarea cercetatii din Romania. In consecinta, aceasta a elaborat un document care face propuneri concrete de reforma:

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Resonance or Integration? Self-sustained Dynamics and Excitability of Neural Microcircuits

We investigated spontaneous activity and excitability in large networks of artificial spiking neurons. We compared three different spiking neuron models, namely the integrate-and-fire (IF), regular spiking (RS) and resonator (RES). First, we show that different models have different frequency-dependent response properties, yielding large differences in excitability. Then, we investigate the responsiveness of these models to a single afferent inhibitory/excitatory

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Importance of electrophysiological signal features assessed by classification trees

Sustained activity in prefrontal cortex is associated with the maintenance of information during short-term memory (STM).We have used impurity reduction criteria of classification trees to investigate how the behavioral performance of a monkey during STM is reflected in the information content of three features of recorded signals: rates of individual neurons, oscillations in the LFP, and oscillations in the spiking activity.T he LFP power in all

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Pattern Recognition Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks and Discrete Fourier Transforms

A novel method for pattern recognition using Discrete Fourier Transforms on the global pulse signal of a pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) is presented in this paper. We describe the mathematical model of the PCNN and an original way of analyzing the pulse of the network in order to achieve scale- and translation-independent recognition for isolated objects. We also analyze the error as a result of rotation. The system is used for recognizing simple

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