Articolele autorului Răzvan Valentin Florian
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Rezultatele lui Liviu Giosan, membru al asociatiei Ad Astra, sunt mentionate in Nature

The work of Liviu Giosan, the co-founder of the Ad Astra project and a member of the Ad Astra association, is mentioned in Nature (vol. 430, 12 August 2004, pp. 718-719). Siddall, Giosan and their collaborators have modelled a flood that possibly surged onto the Black Sea about 10,000 years ago, through what is now the Bosporus Strait. This flood has possibly inspired the biblical story of Noah's flood. The Nature article:

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Interviu cu reputatul neurofiziolog Mircea Steriade

Revista online Stetoscop a publicat recent un interviu cu reputatul neurofiziolog Mircea Steriade:

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Conferinta: Migratia Tinerilor Cercetatori Români: Performante Si Cai De Întoarcere

INSTITUTUL CULTURAL ROMÂN invita tineri cercetatori romani care activeaza in strainatate, sau care s-au intors in Romania dupa stagii sau studii in strainatate, la conferinta MIGRATIA TINERILOR CERCETATORI ROMÂNI: PERFORMANTE SI CAI DE ÎNTOARCERE Organizata sub înaltul patronaj al Presedintelui României Institutul Cultural Român ( ) organizeaza în zilele de 14 - 18 octombrie 2004 la Sinaia conferinta MIGRATIA TINERILOR CERCETATORI

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Deveniti evaluatori CNCSIS!

Stimata doamna/ Stimate domnule, In contextul alinierii cercetarii stiintifice romanesti la standardele internationale ale cercetarii si pentru implementarea strategiei de dezvoltare a Invatamantului Superior si Cercetarii din Romania, Consiliul National al Cercetarii Stiintifice din Invatamantul Superior (CNCSIS) isi propune realizarea unei baze de date cu Experti/ Experti evaluatori CNCSIS cu profesori/ cercetatori care isi desfasoara activitatea

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Romania requests cut in financial contributions to FP6

The European Commission is considering a request by the Romanian government for or a decrease in the country's budgetary contribution to the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6). The appeal was made during a recent visit to Romania by EU Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin, who promised that a full analysis of Romania' s situation will be carried out. The results of this assessment will then be used by Mr Busquin and his colleagues in the College of

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Update on U.S. Visas for Scientists

Update on U.S. Visas for Scientists Source: In February, the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) released their report, "Border Security: Improvements Needed to Reduce Time Taken to Adjudicate Visas for Science Students and Scholars," concluding a study to determine how long it takes a science student or scholar to obtain a nonimmigrant visa, which factors contribute to the duration

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Ad Astra lanseaza un program de popularizare a stiintelor fundamentale in invatamantul mediu

Asociatia "Ad Astra" propune crearea unui program de popularizare a stiintelor fundamentale in cadrul invatamantului mediul liceal din Romania. Scopul acestui program este atragerea tinerilor pe orbita cercetarii si diseminarea informatiei stiintifice in Romania. Mijlocul propus in acest program este contactul direct intre cercetatori romani (din tara si din strainatate) si elevi si profesori din liceele din Romania. Forma este conferinta de popularizare

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Scientists Find Remains of Earliest Known Europeans in Romania

U.S. and European scientists have found remains of the earliest known modern Europeans. The head and face bones are from the time of the Neanderthals and have yielded insights into human evolution. Recreational cave explorers discovered an ancient human jaw and skull fragments last year in Romania's Carpathian Mountains. Chemical analysis by anthropologist Erik Trinkaus of Washington University in St. Louis dates them back about 35,000 years. "This

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Fourth Annual Global Development Awards – $400,000

Submissions are now being accepted for the Fourth Annual Awards Competition, which carries prizes in cash and travel of over $400,000! Submissions can be for an ongoing development project, completed research, or a new research proposal. The Governing Body of the Global Development Network (GDN) has chosen Understanding Reform as the theme for the Fifth Annual Global Development Conference to be held in New Delhi in January 2004.The five topics proposed

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Ad Astra a desemnat câştigătorii concursului de eseuri despre cercetarea românească

Asociaţia Ad Astra a cercetătorilor români a lansat în această primăvară un concurs de eseuri despre cercetarea românească. Cei interesaţi trebuiau să răspundă, printr-un eseu, la una din întrebările: "De ce (nu) m-aş întoarce să practic cercetare ştiinţifică în România?", pentru cei ce activează în străinătate, sau "Pot (sau nu) practica cercetare ştiinţifică de calitate în România?", pentru cei din ţară. Au fost

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