Articolele autorului Stefan Cojocaru
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Call for papers – Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala: SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM IN SOCIAL RESEARCH AND INTERVENTION

The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for the issue on “SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONISM IN SOCIAL RESEARCH AND INTERVENTION” to bring together papers exploring: - Constructionism and knowledge; - Constructionism and language; - Constructionism and social action in context; - Interventions for individual and group (social, educational and medical) theory based on social contructionism; - Empirical research using

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Call for paper – Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala: GROUNDED THEORY IN ACTION

The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for the issue on "GROUNDED THEORY IN ACTION": 1.Empirical research in various fields using Grounded Theory methodology; 2. Theoretical analysis on the ontological, epistemological and methodological dimensions of Grounded Theory. All submissions will be peer reviewed. For guidelines on manuscript preparation and submission, please visit the journal website

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Call for Papers – Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala: APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY IN SOCIAL PRACTICE

The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for the issue on "Appreciative Inquiry in Social Practice" to bring together papers exploring: 1. Organizational Transformation through the Appreciative Inquiry; 2. Appreciative Inquiry in Community Development; 3.Changing individual and group interventions in social, educational and medical fields by applying Appreciative Inquiry; 4. Theoretical analysis, reviews

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Social economy in Romania. Preliminary approach

During the past 20 years, social economy became a subject of interest because its organisations had to assume an increasing role in the production and supply of social goods and services of public interest. In Romania, although forms of social economy existed for a very long time in society, we can not speak of an institutionally or juridical determined area, with actual outputs. This study5 shows the stage of social economy development taking into

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The first part of this article analyses the normative approach of the social economy. The social economy is developed in order to create an alternative economic and social space for the people excluded from life necessities and, furthermore, it is not a recent phenomenon; it relies on historical practices which have developed over several centuries in order to meet people’s needs. The social economy institutions from Romania and Greece are then

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This article aims to examine the phenomenon of social services in post-1989 Romania, underscoring the role of the religious factor in the establishment and operation of nongovernmental organisations active in the area of family and child protection/child welfare. The results are based on empirical data collected from interviews with representatives of NGO-s in Iaşi that correspond to the profile of faith-based organisations and which have been included

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Call for papers: Religion in Risk Society

The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for a special issue on "Religion in Risk Society" to bring together papers exploring: -Church involvement in management of uncertainty -Uncertainty in postmodern society -Religion in the social construction of transmodernity -Religion and emerging tehnologies -Risk society, religion and social imaginary -Churches and their adaptation to secularization -Religion and

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The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for a special issue on PARENTING EDUCATION - THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIELD AND ITS CHALLENGES to bring together papers exploring: - development of parenting education in different countries and cultures; - the participation of parents in parenting education programs; - evaluation of parenting education programs; - the impact of parenting education programs on parents

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Call for papers: The Challenges of Parenting and Parenthood

# 32 RCIS: Call for papers: The Challenges of Parenting and Parenthood Volume 32 (will be published on March 2010) of REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is focused on parenting and parenthood. In this issue, we welcome submissions that address the themes below, including papers on: - parenthood and parenting in actual public policies; - parents-children relations; - fathers’ involvement with children; - parenthood in vulnerable families;

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Appreciative supervision in social work. New opportunities for changing the social work practice

The practice of social work focuses mainly on solving problems, on reducing dysfunctions, on diminishing deficiencies etc. More often then not, allocating resources for providing problem-centred social services does not solve the problems for which the services were designed. Our initiative consists in experimenting appreciative supervision and in identifying the potential differences between the two approaches, the one centred on problems and the

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