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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Dual effect of methylglyoxal on the intracellular Ca2+ signaling and neurite outgrowth in mouse sensory neurons

The formation of advanced glycation end products is one of the major factors involved in diabetic neuropathy, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases. Reactive carbonyl compounds, such as methylglyoxal (MG), play a key role in cross-linking to various proteins in the extracellular matrix, especially in neurons, which have a high rate of oxidative metabolism. The MG effect was tested on dorsal root ganglia primary neurons in cultures from adult male

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Impediments to European Union’s Trade: Barriers, Borders and Distances

European Union’s trade should be a major source of economic revenue for any participant country and to lead at their economic growth. Furthermore, in a global context increasing the trade is supposed to be regarded as being essential to the continuance of globalization as strategy. Economic world generally agree that trade barriers, borders, as well as distances are detrimental and decrease economic efficiency. In theory, free trade involves the

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Evolutii si modificari de filosofie in cadrul comertului international

Desi comertul international a fost prezent in cea mai mare parte a istoriei omenirii, importanta sa economica, sociala si politica, a crescut in ultimele secole din ce in ce mai mult. Industrializarea, metodele avansate de transport si, in ultima perioada, globalizarea, au avut impreuna un impact major asupra sistemului de comert international. Provocarile recente la adresa economiei si, implicit la adresa comertului international, au ridicat insa

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Omogenitate și eterogenitate în sistemul economic internațional

In ultimii ani ai secolului trecut si in primii ani ai secolului actual, in economia mondiala au putut fi identificate mai multe tendinte generatoare de tensiuni, printre care globalizare versus regionalism, autonomie-interdependenta-integrare economica si modernizare versus subdezvoltare. Daca reducem termenul la concepte strict economice, se poate spune ca globalizarea contrasteaza cu nationalismul economic si cu protectionismul si este inrudita

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Strategic selection of the Trade Policy Instruments

What should a nation trade policy be and which is the best combination of trade policy instruments the governments may possibly select to protect their productions against exterior competition, is a question repeatedly raised. If the states are supposed to use tariffs or import quotas to protect their industry against competition than who will benefit and who will lose from the import quotas? As an respond, this approach intends to examine the policies

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Trends and New Challenges to International Trade: Replying to the Economic Crisis by Encouraging the Reorganization and Renewal

The economic crisis of 2008-2009 affected markets all over the world, presenting an unprecedented challenge for the international trade. Both in advanced and emerging markets, firms began raising significant amounts of debt in recent years, only. When such markets crashed, and firms could no longer pay, managers were forced to adopt innovative policies to cope with the problem. Strategic renewal, although critical for the sustained success of organizations,

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Evaluation of classical spatial-analysis schemes of extreme rainfall

Extreme rainfall is classically estimated using raingauge data at raingauge locations. An important related issue is to assess return levels of extreme rainfall at ungauged sites. Classical methods consist in interpolating extreme-value models. In this paper, such methods are referred to as regionalization schemes. Our goal is to evaluate three classical regionalization schemes. Each scheme consists of an extreme-value model (block maxima, peaks

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Developments and adjustments of philosophy within the international trade

Although international commerce was present within the most part of the human history, his economical social and political significance increased progressively during the last centuries. The industrialization, the advanced transport methods and the globalization recently, had together a major impact on the international commerce system. The new challenges addressed to the economy and implicitly to the international commerce, raised more and more

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Enlargement of the European Union. Possible consequences of other countries accession for Romania

What will European Union membership be in the next five years? Is it going to remain the same or is it going to be larger? Even if the previous enlargements have been the biggest ones in European Union history, for sure they were not the last, as long as the phenomenon of the enlargement itself is considered to be inseparable associated with the progress of the Union. The consequences of the following enlargements will be multiple and Romania is

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Possible trade effects of the next European Union enlargement

The European Union next enlargement will constitute a significant qualitative change in the structure of the current Union, as the accession of the Western Balkan countries and of Turkey in particular will bring a brand new set of economic problems. It is expected that this enlargement to have a considerable effect for the new entrants, as well as for the entire European Union. Considering some of the aspects raised by a new extension, this article

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