Scopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Centrul de Bioanaliza-INCDSB Bucuresti va invita sa participati la Cel de al VI-lea Workshop "Bioanaliza versus Biotehnologie" in ziua de 18 decembrie 2009. PROGRAM 08.30 Inregistrarea participantilor 09.30 Deschiderea workshop-ului 09.30 Prezentarea Centrului de Bioanaliză, G.L.Radu 09.40 Sesiunea I (lucrarile 1-4) 11.00 Pauza - Cafea 11.30 Sesiunea II (lucrarile 5-8) 13.00 Discutii 14.00 Inchiderea workshop-ului Lucrarile se desfasoara in Sala
Read moreA postdoctoral fellowship is available at the University of New Mexico Health Science Center and VA Albuquerque Medical Center to study Candida fungal pathogenesis using molecular biology, cell biology, and postgenomic approaches as part of an active mycology research group. Our laboratory is studying the secretion of virulence-associated proteins in C. albicans, identification of novel secretory proteins involved in pathogenesis, biofilm formation
Read moreInvitatie Va adresam respectoasa invitatie de a participata la workshop-ul tematic propus de catre asociatia noastra profesionala. Manifestarea este organizata in perioada 15-16 mai 2009 in cadrul Conferintei Internationale “CHIMIA 2009 - New trends in Applied Chemistry” prin colaborare cu Universitatea OVIDIUS din Constanţa. Lucrarile se vor desfasura in Aula Magna, Bulevardul Mamaia nr.124 din Contanţa dupa urmatorul: PROGRAM Vineri 15 mai
Read more20th International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (BES 2009) is organized in Sibiu, ROMANIA between 10-14 May 2009, and is expected to cover many aspects of the highly interdisciplinary area of Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics by contributions coming from biophysics, biotechnology, medical biophysics, electrophysiology and the frontiers between these research fields. Dead-line for abstract submission is 15 March 2009. Plenary
Read morePhD position/Forskarutbildningsstöd in Chemistry Topic Analytical Chemistry: Microarray Electrodes and Enzyme Electrodes for In Vivo Analysis Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Final date for application: March 2, 2009. Project description: The project will involve development of electrochemistry at array microelectrodes for analysis at biological targets ranging from single cells to tissues and small organisms like the
Read moreThe conference will provide an overview of current state and future trends in biophysical research. Fourteen plenary lectures will cover subjects ranging from atomic to the cellular level. Forty symposia lectures cover two focus areas, namely Biological Function at Atomic Level and From Nanostructures to Cells. Extended poster sessions and social events will facilitate an intense exchange of ideas.
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Read moreAmyloid fibrils are fibrillar polypeptide aggregates that are associated with a range of debilitating human diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, type II diabetes and Creutzfeldt-Jakob. This meeting will discuss new results and emerging concepts on the structure of amyloid fibrils, the biophysical principles of their formation, the mechanism of aggregation and the relevance of certain structural states with respect to disease.
Read moreDepartment of Chemistry Ph. D. studentship available in "Design, synthesis, and characterization of novel supramolecular systems obtained via metal coordination." Supervisor: Professor Enzo Alessio €12450 per year (no tuition fees) Applications are invited for a 3 year Ph D studentship (to start in January 2009) within the Ph D School in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, at the University of Trieste (Italy). The successful
Read moreParticipation in the meeting is free of charge 14-16th of September, Cologne (Köln), Germany The 24. Ernst Klenk Symposium will be devoted to reviewing advances in the field of pathogenic protein aggregation. The complexity of the field mandates multidisciplinary approaches. Therefore individual sessions will be devoted to (i) the biophysics of misfolding and aggregation, including computer modeling
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