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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

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Burse de doctorat cu frecventa la Universitatea Petrol – Gaze din Ploiesti

Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploiesti ofera burse de doctorat cu frecventa in domeniile: Inginerie Chimica, Mine Petrol si Gaze, Chimie, Inginerie Mecanica, Inginerie Industriala, Ingineria Sistemelor. Bursele sunt in cuantum de 1850 RON lunar pentru o perioada de trei ani cu posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de maxim 8 luni de documentare sau cerecetare intr-o tara a Uniunii Europene. Pe durata stagiului in strainatate cuantumul bursei este

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Effectiveness of Journal Ranking Schemes as a Tool for Locating Information

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Guvernul vrea sa construiasca un oras universitar langa Bucuresti Guvernul doreşte să demareze un proiect de amploare în învăţământul universitar care constă în construirea în următorii

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Einstein Versus the Physical Review – A great scientist can benefit from peer review, even while refusing to have anything to do with it.

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Post Doctoral Positions-Vascular Biology Research

Post Doctoral Positions-Vascular Biology Research We are seeking qualified individuals at the post doctoral level (Ph.D., M.D.) to conduct research in vascular and circadian biology at the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A. Students with interest attaining research experience are also invited. Both domestic and international applicants are encouraged to apply. The Medical College of Georgia is located in the beautiful city of

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German Biophysical Society Meeting 2008, Berlin, September 28 – October 1

The conference will provide an overview of current state and future trends in biophysical research. Fourteen plenary lectures will cover subjects ranging from atomic to the cellular level. Forty symposia lectures cover two focus areas, namely Biological Function at Atomic Level and From Nanostructures to Cells. Extended poster sessions and social events will facilitate an intense exchange of ideas.

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Interviu cu Adrian Curaj, vicepreşedintele CNCSIS

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UMT 2008- Theory and Practice of Infrared Imaging in Medicine Update in Medical Thermography - First International Workshop in Romania Meeting 11th- 13th September 2008 – Bucharest, Romania Description: The research subject corresponds to exploring and valuing a border field, as well fundamental as applicative research. Medical thermography represents an investigation area. In a continuous development witch reveals complex biological phenomenons and points new research engaging

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CNIV 2008 – 6th National Conference on Virtual Learning and ICVL 2008 Obiective Implementarea tehnologiilor societatii informationale (IST/FP6/FP7) la nivelul exigentelor Uniunii Europene Elaborarea si realizarea de cercetari, proiecte si aplicatii in domeniile e-Learning, Software si Management educational Aria tematica Modele si Metodologii (e-Learning, e-Pedagogy, e-Training, e-Skills); Tehnologii (ADL, WBE, WBT, VR); Solutii software (CG, Web, AI)

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InterGeo – Interoperable Interactive Geometry for Europe Making Digital Geometry Content Available For Math Education Throughout Europe Interactive Geometry is a way to improve mathematics education with the help of a computer. With the help of sophisticated software sketches and figures can be brought to life, comparable to what movies mean to images. Although many examples of helpful activities that were created using Interactive Geometry Software exist, interactive geometry

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