S-a incheiat a 11-a Conferinta Nationala a Cercetarii
Documentele conferintei se gasesc la http://www.cncsis.ro/cncsis11.php
Read moreScopul nostru este sprijinirea şi promovarea cercetării ştiinţifice şi facilitarea comunicării între cercetătorii români din întreaga lume.
Documentele conferintei se gasesc la http://www.cncsis.ro/cncsis11.php
Read morePozitii didactice scoase la concurs la Universitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploiesti: http://www.upg-ploiesti.ro/docs/pdf/2008/copd/lista_posturilor_scoase_la_concurs_aprilie_2009.pdf
Read moreUNIVERSITATEA PETROL - GAZE DIN PLOIEŞTI A N U N Ţ Ă scoaterea la concurs a următoarelor posturi didactice vacante FACULTATEA DE INGINERIE MECANICĂ ŞI ELECTRICĂ Catedra de Discipline Mecanice Generale Preparator universitar, poziţia 25. Discipline: Mecanică. Catedra de Electrotehnică – Electronică Şef de lucrări, poziţia 19. Discipline: Tehnici CAD în realizarea modulelor electronice; Microunde; Maşini şi acţionări electrice;
Read moreHere we report on the varieties of carbon nanostructures obtained in an AC arc discharge with graphite electrodes loaded with Ni and Fe powders. The nanostructures produced were characterized by TEM and Raman spectroscopy. Because there is a lack of agreement concerning the active regions for the formation of carbon nanostructure with respect to the arc position in the reaction chamber, we have sampled and characterized the nanostructures formed
Read moreUniversitatea Petrol - Gaze din Ploiesti ofera burse de doctorat cu frecventa in domeniile: Inginerie Chimica, Mine Petrol si Gaze, Chimie, Inginerie Mecanica, Inginerie Industriala, Ingineria Sistemelor. Bursele sunt in cuantum de 1850 RON lunar pentru o perioada de trei ani cu posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de maxim 8 luni de documentare sau cerecetare intr-o tara a Uniunii Europene. Pe durata stagiului in strainatate cuantumul bursei este
Read moreAu fost lansate competitiile pentru: Proiecte complexe de reintegrare a cercetatorilor - http://www.cncsis.ro/PN2_res_umana_rc.php Proiectele din aceasta categorie vor fi evaluate de experti straini. Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea revenirii in tara a cercetatorilor - http://www.cncsis.ro/PN2_res_umana_rp.php Aceste proiecte constituie oportunitati semnificative pentru cei ce doresc sa-si inceapa sau sa-si continue cariera de cercetator in
Read moreA mild, four-step purification procedure using NaOH reflux, HCl wash, and oxidation by 4 mol % molecular oxygen at 500 °C was developed to purify single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with narrow semiconducting (n,m) distribution produced from cobalt-incorporated MCM-41 (Co-MCM-41) in order to obtain bulk low-defect-density nanotubes. Three key features of Co-MCM-41 allow this mild purification technique: (1) ultrathin silica walls versus dense
Read moreChemical vapor deposition growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) was studied using three representative carbon source sources: CO, ethanol, and methane, and a catalyst of Ni ions incorporated in MCM-41. The resulting SWCNTs were compared for similar reaction conditions. Carbon deposits were analyzed by multi-excitation wavelength Raman, TGA, TEM and AFM. Catalytic particles in the Ni-MCM-41 catalysts were characterized by TEM and synchrotron
Read morePhD Scholarships at IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) offers nine four-year PhD scholarships for students pursuing a fulltime PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence in the area of multiagent systems. More concretely the applicants will work on one or several of the following topics: Normative systems, Social choice, Case-based reasoning, Semantic alignment, Electronic institutions, Trust and reputation methods,
Read moreHigh surface area zirconia and MgO–ZrO2 composites are prepared and used as supports of Pd catalysts. Amorphous zirconia is prepared via precipitation and digestion of zirconium oxyhydroxide in hydrazine. Composite MgO–ZrO2 oxides are obtained by (i) grafting of zirconium acetylacetonate on MgO and (ii) coprecipitation of a mixed gel of zirconium oxyhydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Several methods of palladium deposition are investigated: multi-step
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