Articolele autorului Aurelian Petrus Plopeanu
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Economic Policies

This book deals with the theoretical and practical foundations of cyclical economic policies (monetary, fiscal, budgetary, etc.), the structural ones (active sectoral policies, optimizing resource allocation policies, etc.), also the mixtures of established ingredients of different successful, intelligent economic policies, well adapted to certain specific circumstances. The approach takes into account, in each domain, the European rules and experiences.

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Political Economy

Beyond the pragmatic and rational epistemology of the mainstream economics, the authors try to show that economics is simply rediscovering the objective essences, independent of the subject they observe, relevant by multiplying clear and distinct ideas, with Divine guarantee of the reality of perceptual intuitions and world's truths. Therefore, economics would be no longer a branch of metaphysics, but a discipline that is based on our overall concept

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Religious Determinants of Economic Development

Economy cannot and must not be a layman science or secular praxeology. It is an area of investigation of the mechanisms and concepts that summarize some of the research area and understanding of human action. Economic epistemology emphasizes this aspect, but economics earns ontological value through its apriori determined purpose. However, in these circumstances, a transdisciplinary vision of the studied phenomenon gets new meanings and influences

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The values, faiths and virtues generate relatively stable attitudes and enduring predispositions of behavior, manifested in relation to a situation or person. The Weberian secularization hypothesis shows that, while the process of economic development is launched, the religious institution plays an increasingly reduced role in the social life and the members of a community are becoming less religious. We show that the frequency of participation in

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Currently, most of Weber's work is still one that lends itself to various interpretations and, thus, it equally lends itself to countless debates. Weber has been criticized for various reasons: lack of a full understanding of the Protestant doctrine; a faulty interpretation of the Catholic doctrine and for the idea of various forms of capitalism; his ignorance of non-religious intellectual sources; the use of incorrect and incomplete statistics,

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Religious roots of book production and human capital during (early) modern age

The invention of printing press and the process of book production had an important impact on the entire human action, affecting almost every political, economic, social, religious and philosophical field. For centuries, the book production was mostly conducted in relation with the Church. And this is just one argument that could explain the contribution of religion and religious movements on accumulation and spreading the culture, stimulating the

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To a certain extent, it may be that the inflexion that occurred with Renaissance was necessary and even unavoidable. For hundreds of years, the human body was not only ignored but even repressed to the advantage of our spiritual nature. Against the background of the rediscovery of Greek spirituality, da Vinci, Michelangelo and the other coryphaei of Renaissance restored the value of the human body and, in part, they restored its dignity as well.

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This article is a brief and tentative overview of the economic history of the Jewish people. The story starts with Cain and continues with Abraham, Melchizedek, David, and Solomon, the prophets, Talmud and cabalist rabbis, up to our times. We attempt to capture the main economic tenets of the Jewish people, the provenience, explanations and their effects, in particular their special relationship with money, land, work, richness, property and life

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Christianity and Political Democracy in the Middle Ages and Modern Times

Today, there is a fruitful dispute between secularists and those who argue the compatibility between Christianity, with its religious precepts and intrinsic system of ethical values, and the liberal democracy. The second group is however hopelessly wrong, as much as the first. This endeavor is epistemologically wrong and the argument is pretty simple. The institutions of divine right, such as the Church or family, shall be subject to the single principle

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Recently, more and more use is made from book production as a measure of the long-run development of human capital. However, its relation with technology and growth is often found to be small and changing over time. In this paper we try to establish the link between book production and the spread of "ideas" as proxied by patents both over time and between regions. Two mechanisms may be distinguished. First, in the initial phase of economic development,

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