Articolele autorului Cosmin G. Chiorean
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Large deflection distributed plasticity analysis of 3D semi-rigid steel frameworks

This paper presents an integrated system for advanced structural analysis and seismic performance evaluation of 3D steel frameworks with rigid or flexible connections. The non-linear inelastic static analysis employed herein uses the accuracy of the fibber-finite elements approach for inelastic frame analysis and address its efficiency and modeling shortcomings through the use of only one element to model each physical member of the frame. The proposed

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A Computer Method for Nonlinear Inelastic Analysis of 3D Semi-Rigid Steel Frameworks

This paper presents an efficient computer method for inelastic and large deflection analysis of steel space frames with non-linear flexible joint connections, based on the most refined type of second order inelastic analysis, the plastic zone analysis. The method employs modeling of structures with only one element per member, which reduces the number of degree of freedom involved and the computational time. Gradual yielding of cross-sections is

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Competitie internationala pentru granturi de cercetare

Institutul Superior Tehnic din Lisabona (IST) a lansat competitia internationala pentru granturi de cercetare acordate doctoranzilor sau post-doctoranzilor in cadrul a doua proiecte de cercetare finantate de Fundatia pentru Stiinta si Tehnologie, Portugalia. Pentru detalii

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Computer Program for Large Deflection Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Semi-Rigid Steel Frameworks

This paper presents an efficient computer method for inelastic and large deflection analysis of flexibly jointed steel frames, based on the most refined type of second-order inelastic analysis, the plastic zone analysis. The combined effects of material, geometric and connection behavior nonlinearity sources are simulated into an object-oriented Turbo-Pascal computer program automatically. This program was used to study the ultimate response of several

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Numerical Simulation of Ballistic Impact on Composite Laminates

The paper reports experimental and numerical simulation of ballistic impact problems on thin composite laminated plates reinforced with Kevlar 29. Ballistic impact was imparted with simulated fragments designed in accordance with STANAG-2920 on plates of different thickness. Numerical modelling was developed and used to obtain an estimate for the limit perforation velocity (V50) and simulate failure modes and damage. Computations were carried out

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Large Deflection Distributed Plasticity Analysis of 3D Steel Frameworks

This paper presents an efficient computer method for elasto-plastic and large deflection analysis of three-dimensional steel frames that provides the accuracy of second-order plastic-zone analysis methods but requires less computational effort. The method employs modelling of structures with only one element per member, which reduces the number of degree of freedom involved and the computational time. Gradual yielding of cross-sections is modelled

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