Articolele autorului Dragos Ciuparu
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Evidence for anchoring and partial occlusion of metallic clusters on the pore walls of MCM-41 and effect on the stability of the metallic clusters

n order to explain the high stability of the Co- and Ni-MCM-41 catalysts, the hypotheses of anchoring of small metallic clusters to cations in and partial occlusion of the metallic clusters by amorphous silica are proposed. Carbon monoxide chemisorption on model catalysts and Co-MCM-41 has given direct proof of the metal anchoring effect on the stability of metal cluster dispersion. The partial occlusion of metallic clusters, which may lead to physical

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Improved synthesis of highly ordered Co-MCM-41

Transition metal incorporated MCM-41 materials were synthesized by careful control of multiple factors affecting the final product quality. Among them, the pH adjustment of the initial synthesis solution of Co-MCM-41 was crucial for the distribution of metallic ions in the silica framework. Higher pH significantly improved the physical structure of Co-MCM-41 and is accompanied by higher porosity. Each pore of Co-MCM-41, at the optimum pH, exhibited

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UNIVERSITATEA PETROL-GAZE DIN PLOIESTI, Bd. Bucuresti Nr. 39 din Ploiesti scoate la concurs 2 posturi de cercetatori postdoctorali pentru doua teme ale programului postdoctoral STUDIUL APLICARII INTELIGENTEI ARTIFICIALE IN PROTECTIA MEDIULUI. Aceste posturi sunt finantate de Ministerul Educaţiei si Cercetarii printr-un proiect de cercetare în sprijinul programelor postdoctorale. Numai candidaţii în varsta de cel mult 35 de ani care au obţinut

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Post doctoral Fellow Opening @ Yale University

Be in the forefront of nanotube technology, high temperature superconductivity, biomedical applications and solar harvesting! The job entails: Synthesis of controlled property single-walled nanotubes of carbon, boron and gallium nitride. We have a templating process that allows tuning of mean diameter with a very narrow diameter distribution. We have demonstrated structure/chirality control over a range of diameters is our goal and we have demonstrated

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Învatamîntul romanesc de la saracie la delir megalomanic

Interviu cu Mircea Miclea, fost Ministru al Educatiei si cerctarii:

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Faceţi publice problemele din programul CEEX!

Asociaţia Ad Astra roagă directorii de proiect şi evaluatorii care au constatat probleme în desfăşurarea competiţiei CEEX din 2006 să facă publice aceste probleme pe site-ul . Asociaţia Ad Astra va centraliza problemele semnalate şi le va înainta ANCS. Vă rugăm să faceţi publice în special încălcările regulamentului competiţiei şi probleme deontologice cum ar fi: - nerespectarea etapei de evaluare

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Controlling of Physicochemical Properties of Nickel-Substituted MCM-41 by Adjustment of the Synthesis Solution pH and Tetramethylammonium Silicate Concentration

The effect of initial synthesis solution pH and tetramethylammonium silicate concentration in the synthesis solution on the physical and chemical properties of MCM-41 was systematically investigated using N2 physisorption, X-ray diffraction, temperature-programmed reduction, in situ Fourier transform IR, UV-vis, and X-ray absorption spectroscopies. pH and tetramethylammonium (TMA) fraction affect the porosity of MCM-41 and the reducibility of incorporated

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Pozitii Postdoc in Materiale Nanostructurate si Cataliza

Universitatea "Petrol - Gaze" din Ploiesti scoate la concurs 3 posturi de cercetatori postdoctorali pentru studii in domeniul sintezei, caracterizarii si aplicaţiilor nanomaterialelor. Aceste posturi sunt finanţate de Ministerul Educaţiei si Cercetarii printr-un proiect de cercetare în sprijinul programelor postdoctorale. Numai candidaţii în virsta de cel mult 35 de ani care au obţinut titlul de doctor în ultimii 5 ani şi nu sunt angajaţi

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The effect of the cobalt loading on the growth of single wall carbon nanotubes by CO disproportionation on Co-MCM-41 catalysts

Highly ordered MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves in which silicon was isomorphously substituted with 0.5-4 wt.% cobalt were synthesized using an alkyl template with a 16 carbon atoms alkyl chain length. These materials were used as catalysts for the synthesis of uniform diameter single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) by CO disproportionation (Boudouard reaction). The SWNT synthesis conditions were identical for all Co-MCM-41 samples, and consisted

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X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of Partially Reduced Cobalt Species in Co-MCM-41 Catalysts during Synthesis of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Chemometric tools were employed to analyze the in-situ dynamic X-ray absorption spectroscopy data to probe the state of Co-MCM-41 catalysts during reduction in pure hydrogen and under single-wall carbon nanotube synthesis reaction conditions. The use of the progressive correlation analysis established the sequence in which changes in the spectral features near the Co K edge occurred, and the evolving factor analysis provided evidence for the formation

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