Articolele autorului Teddy CRACIUNESCU
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A Genetic Approach to Limited Data Tomographic Reconstructions

A real-coded genetic algorithm is proposed for the reconstruction of time-resolved energy spectra of short-pulsed neutron emitted by hot dense magnetic plasma, formulated as a limited data tomographic problem. The enhanced quality of the method is proved compared to a conventional technique on numerical experiments.

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Micro-X-Ray Computer Axial Tomography Application in Life Sciences

X-ray 3D micro-computer tomography has been used to investigate, at a spatial resolution up to 10 mm, the internal architecture of a juvenile exemplar of Sepia officinalis L phragmocone. Resulting tomographic images have shown with clarity details of cuttlebone siphuncular zone such as septa and pillars, as well as their insertion zone to hypostracum. At the same time, 3D tomographic images have revealed a local anomaly of the phragmocone consisting

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Nuclear Medicine Engineering (in Romanian)

"An image worth more than a thousand words" - this is the thought that underlie this vision on the field of nuclear medicine. It starts with a review of some theoretical and engineerical that grounds the field of nuclear medicine: nuclear radiation, interaction of radiation with matter, radiation detection and measurement, numerical analysis. Products and methods needed for the implementation of diagnostic and research procedures in nuclear medicine

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A Neural Network Model for the Tomographic Analysis of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Rods

A tomographic method based on a multilayer feed-forward artificial neural network is proposed for the reconstruction of gamma-radioactive fission products distribution in irradiated nuclear fuel rods. The quality of the method is investigated as compared to a conventional technique on experimental results concerning a CANDU-type fuel rod irradiated in a TRIGA reactor.

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Non-Destructive Analysis of Miniaturized Fusion Materials Samples and Irradiation Capsules by X-ray Micro-Tomography

Recently, at the Association EURATOM-MEC (Romania) a laboratory for X-ray micro-tomography was established with European Community support. Its research is focused on NDT inspection of miniaturized samples of fusion materials and irradiation capsules for IFMIF environment conditions. X-ray tomography as an NDT tool for fusion material samples can provide information on: density variations, micro-cracks development by mechanical/thermal cycling, permeability

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