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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Publicatii proprii

Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations

This present paper presents the modeling and simulation of the thermal transfer in the transformers from the high electric voltage stations using finite element method. As the transformers are of high power and are inversed in oil, a particular interest represents the maintenance of physical and chemical parameters of oil as long a time during operation. For this, one presents the coupled analysis electromagnetic field and thermal field. The procedure

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Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations

This present paper presents the modeling and simulation of the thermal transfer in the transformers from the high electric voltage stations using finite element method. As the transformers are of high power and are inversed in oil, a particular interest represents the maintenance of physical and chemical parameters of oil as long a time during operation. For this, one presents the coupled analysis electromagnetic field and thermal field. The procedure

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Finite element analysis of heat transfer in transformers from high voltage stations

This present paper presents the modeling and simulation of the thermal transfer in the transformers from the high electric voltage stations using finite element method. As the transformers are of high power and are inversed in oil, a particular interest represents the maintenance of physical and chemical parameters of oil as long a time during operation. For this, one presents the coupled analysis electromagnetic field and thermal field. The procedure

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Phospholipase Using as Breadmaking Improver

Even the biochemical mechanism of dough’s structure formation is not complete understanding, the significance of main compounds and linkages between them are already established. For these reasons the pathways of dough structural properties changing by using improvers are became ordinary in baking area. The usage of enzyme products on baking processing in view to improve the rheological properties of doughs as well as the quality of end products

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Comparative studies between Phospholipase and DATEM effects in bread-making
Changes and Prospects on Romanian University Education in Food Engineering Area
An early modern human from Romania with a recent Neanderthal ancestor
Overview of the 2D and 3D CFD Studies and Validation of CFD Rocket Range Results Versus General Experimental Practices & Procedures Applied to Rocket Technology
Maple Soft Solutions for Nonlifting Flows over Arbitrary Bodies
Some Aspects Regarding Possible Improvements in the Performances of the Aircraft Engines