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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

interes general

Scientific Council of the European Research Council announced

The European Commission has announced the list of the 22 members of the scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) on July 18, 2005. The 22 scientists were chosen by an independant panel of high-level scientists, chaired by Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of Oxford and Newcastle-upon-Tyne Universities. Following the European Commission's FP 7 proposal of April 6, 2005, the ERC will be a funding organisation for frontier research.

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„The Formative Years of Scholars” 9-11 November 2005, The Haga Forum,Stockholm.

The conference is organised by Academia Europaea in collaboration with the Wenner-Gren Foundations. In the four sessions the following topics will be treated: - Changes of the knowledge systems and their implications for the formative stage of scholars - Changing external conditions for the formative stage of scholars - The development of the doctorate - The development of post-doctoral/junior academic careers Thanks to the financial support from

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Open letter addressed to Prof. Mircea Miclea

Domnului Profesor Mircea Miclea, Ministru al Educatiei si Cercetarii Stimate Domnule Ministru: Numele meu este Tudor Luchian si sint conferentiar doctor la Facultatea de Fizica, Universitatea 'Alexandru I. Cuza' din Iasi. Pentru a fi extrem de eficient in a va transmite esenta mesajului meu, va rog sa va imaginati urmatoriul scenariu de viata universitara, perfect autentic: 1. profesorul 'x' munceste extrem de mult spre a obtine finantare pentru

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Romania nu a semnat un document UE pentru finantare

Sursa: Asociatia EduCer (pozitii oficiale) Iulie 2005! MEdC nu a semnat inca memorandumul privitor la eLearning Bucuresti, 5 iulie 2005 Grupul civic EduCer isi manifesta ingrijorarea in legatura cu modul in care anumiti oficiali ai Ministerului Educatiei si Cercetarii trateaza aspectele care privesc aderarea Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana. Constatam ca membrii din actuala echipa guvernamentala, urmand nefericit exemplul

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Open post-doctoral positions in computational imaging and modeling = Computational Imaging Lab – Pompeu Fabra University – Barcelona – Spain

The Computational Imaging Lab ( at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona is a rapidly growing and dynamic team focused in algorithmic and applied research in the area of computer vision and computational modeling. The lab is composed of 15 members working in different domains of medical image segmentation, statistical shape modeling and analysis, computational geometry, pattern recognition and, more recently, in image-based and

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European Foreign and Security Policy Studies

The link for an excellent scholarship programme for phd students and postdocs interested in european foreign and security policy.

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Scientists petition for increased EC funding for research

Dear Colleague, The collapse of the discussions on the EU budget has been highlighted in media. What receives less attention is the fact that preparatory discussions on a new budget were pointing towards a very major reduction on the doubling of funds for Framework 7 that had been requested by the Commission. Included in this funding were increases for the Marie Curie programme, expansion of the standard Framework activities and, significantly, the

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Doua romance premiate pentru cercetare

Doua cercetatoare din Romania au primit, in ultimii doi ani, bursa "For Women in Science". Premiul oferit de UNESCO va fi conferit si in acest an. In fiecare an, un juriu format din savanti de renume premiaza cinci cercetatoare eminente, fiecare dintre ele fiind reprezentanta unui continent. Diploma de excelenta este insotita de un premiu in valoare de 100.000 de dolari. Premiile initiate de UNESCO, "For Women in Science", fac

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"FP7 – Rules for participation – simplification measures"

The Commission has just launched a consultation on "FP7 - Rules for participation - simplification measures": The aim of this consultation is to provide an opportunity for all researchers, but especially those within the EU (and Associated Countries), to offer their views on the 10 proposed measures for simplification contained in the staff working document on simplification

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Asociatia EduCer solicita schimbarea comisiei de selectie a Registrului National al Expertilor

Asociatia EduCer solicita schimbarea comisiei de selectie a Registrului National al Expertilor Asociatia EduCer (, care este formata din cadre didactice si cercetatori, a contestat la Ministerul Educatiei si Cercetarii modul in care s-a realizat selectia expertilor cooptati in Registrul National al Expertilor (RNE), reclamand faptul ca multe

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