Inscriere cercetatori

Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la

Domeniu Stire

Studentships at Novartis Basel

Dear colleagues, I would like to make you aware that Novartis Basel is currently offering studentships from 3-12 month. In the specific role we are looking for in our department, the student would have the unique opportunity to work with local project teams on dry powder characterisation and formulation. If you like to find out more please try: You can then

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„In Extremis” Postare Blog : Apel-petitie catre rectorii universitatilor din Romania

Acest apel-petitie este deschis oricarui cetatean roman (semnaturi sunt colectate la si este adresat rectorilor universitatilor Romaniei. Domnilor si Doamnelor Rectori va rugam sa faceti publice cat mai rapid posibil cv-urile dumneavoastra stiintifice actualizate, care sa cuprinda printre altele numarul total de publicatii in jurnalele din fluxul principal (indexate de baza de date ISI-Thomson), numar

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MediTech 2011

In many exciting areas of biomedical research, our advancing knowledge promises to revolutionise the way disease is detected, treated and prevented. Interdisciplinary research is vital for fields such as structural biology, bioinformatics, post-genomics, nanotechnology and imaging to proceed. Projections for advances in medical and biological technology will transform medical care and treatment. This in great part is due to the result of the interaction

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European Defence Conference 2011

The European Defence Conference 2011 is an interactive two day conference with many options for discussion, debate and Europe wide networking, organised in consultation with EDA and ASD. The EDC2011 will be held in Warsaw 20 and 21 October 2011. The aim of the conference is to foster cooperation in the defence and security sector between private companies, knowledge institutes, governments and international organizations. The programme provides opportunities

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XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „Romanian rural tourism in the context of sustainable development. Present and prospects”

ROMANIAN ACADEMY – BRANCH OF IASI INSTITUTE OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH "GH. ZANE" 2, T. Codrescu 700481, Iasi, Romania Phone: +40 0332 106507 XIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Romanian rural tourism in the context of sustainable development.Present and prospects" •ROMANIAN ACADEMY – BRANCH OF IASI "Gh. Zane" Institute of Economic and Social Research – Iasi •"LUCIAN BLAGA" UNIVERSITY OF SIBIU School of Agricultural Sciences, Food

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The Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala invites original paper submissions for a special issue on PARENTING EDUCATION - THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIELD AND ITS CHALLENGES to bring together papers exploring: - development of parenting education in different countries and cultures; - the participation of parents in parenting education programs; - evaluation of parenting education programs; - the impact of parenting education programs on parents

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A fost adoptată o nouă lege a cercetării

A fost publicată în Monitorul Oficial nr. 80/2011 Ordonanţa Guvernului nr. 6/2011 pentru modificarea şi completarea Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 57/2002 privind cercetarea ştiinţifică şi dezvoltarea tehnologică: Principalele aspecte noi aduse de această ordonanţă: - instituţiile de cercetare vor fi evaluate periodic de de către echipe de experţi evaluatori compuse în proporţie de cel puţin 50%

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New Technologies in Education and Research

Models and Methodologies, Technologies and Software Solutions Learning - Knowledge - Development 2010-Towards a Knowledge Society-2030 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010, p. 260 (ISBN 978-3-8433-6391-4), - -

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Senior Statistician Expert, Pharmaceutical, Switzerland, Permenant

World Leading Pharmaceutical company has an excellent opportunity to join their team at a Senior level. This is a position that can offer top of the range industry salaries as well as seniority and international recognition. This is a Senior level opportunity to join a highly successful pharmaceutical on a permenant basis, the appointment will suit candidates looking for a high profile career. Please see the following key requirements: • Masters

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Marie Curie Career Integration Grants – Application Deadline Approaching

The €100 000 Career Integration Grants are funded through the EU's Marie Curie program and aim to encourage European scientists to return to Europe, as well as to attract the best junior researchers of other nationalities to work at European universities, companies and other institutions. Over 400 grants will be offered in 2011. The EU career integration grants are available to researchers of any nationality. The funding is targeted at the post-doctoral

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