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Premii Ad Astra

premii Ad Astra

Asociația Ad Astra a anunțat câștigătorii Premiilor Ad Astra 2022: Proiectul și-a propus identificarea și popularizarea modelelor de succes, a rezultatelor excepționale ale cercetătorilor români din țară și din afara ei.

Asociatia Ad Astra a cercetatorilor romani lanseaza BAZA DE DATE A CERCETATORILOR ROMANI DIN DIASPORA. Scopul acestei baze de date este aceea de a stimula colaborarea dintre cercetatorii romani de peste hotare dar si cu cercetatorii din Romania. Cercetatorii care doresc sa fie nominalizati in aceasta baza de date sunt rugati sa trimita un email la


Aparitie editoriala – JSRI vol. 7, no. 19

On behalf of the Editorial Team of the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, we have the honor to invite you to see the most recent issue of the journal, vol. 7, no. 19, on the topic Interdisciplinary Approaches in Religious Studies and Ideologies JSRI is published by SCIRI and SACRI. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies is the first Romanian journal selected for coverage in Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents:

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„UNIversitatea in SOcietate – UNISO 2008”, 16-20 iulie 2008, Iasi, Romania

16-20 iulie 2008, Iasi "UNIversitatea in SOcietate - UNISO 2008", cu tema "Centrarea invatamantului superior pe competente: provocari si solutii"; Pagina internet: Obiectivul principal: Dezvoltarea parteneriatelor dintre universitati si intreprinderi in domeniul educatiei si al formarii in contextul dezvoltarii durabile. Deadline pentru inscriere: 15 Martie 2008 Deadline pentru rezumat (daca doriti sa faceti o comunicare): 01

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Workshop, 5-6 March 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania: Introduction to Confocal Raman and Scanning Probe Microscopy

In perioada 5-6 martie 2008, Catedra de Spectroscopie Moleculară a Facultăţii de Fizică şi Laboratorul de Nanobiofotonică din cadrul Institutului de Cercetări Experimentale Interdisciplinare(ICEI) al Universitatăţii Babes-Bolyai, impreună cu compania Witec GmbH, Ulm, Germania, producătoare de echipamente de microscopie Raman si de microscopie de forţă atomică, organizeaza workshop-ul . Detalii suplimentare se gasesc la

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Targul International pentru Invatamant Superior si Educatie Continua

In perioada 25 - 26 aprilie 2008, se va desfasura la Berlin, Germania, cea de a treia editie a Targului International pentru Invatamant Superior si Educatie Continua - "StudyWorld 2008". Evenimentul este organizat de Ministerul Federal al Educatiei si Cercetarii din Germania in cooperare cu Serviciul German de Schimburi Academice (DAAD). Acest eveniment international reuneste anual cea mai noua informatie in domeniu prin participarea a peste 150

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The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2008 in the context of The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2008, June 29th – July 2nd, 2008 – Orlando, Florida, USA

The 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Communication and Management: KGCM 2008 in the context of The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2008, June 29th - July 2nd, 2008 – Orlando, Florida, USA. Session ID: KNOWLEDGE IN HEAT TRANSFER: EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL LINKS More information can be reached at: Information regarding

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International Conference ESTROM „Environmental Research and Mitigation of Water Pollution in Romania”

3-5 September 2008, Romanian Academy, Bucharest ESTROM is a 30-month Swiss-Romanian research pro­gramme started in 2005. The conference will present the results of the nine ESTROM projects. The official language of the conference will be English. Deadlines and registration fees: 31 May 2008 for early birds: 50 Euro (25 Euro for students) 30 June 2008 for late birds: 75 Euro (45 Euro for students) Further information at:

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ENBIS 2008 – The 8th Conference: Athens – 22.-24. September 2008

From the first call for papers: "After seven successful conferences the annual meeting of the European Network of Business and Industry Statistics has established as the platform for statistical practitioners and academics to exchange ideas, challenges and techniques in statistics for Business and Industry. As has become custom in the past conferences we look for presentations and posters about all topics with application to business and industry.

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A patra Conferinţă Internaţională „Probleme Tehnice şi Fizice în Ingineria Electrică”, (TPE-2008)

A patra Conferinţă Internaţională "Probleme Tehnice şi Fizice în Ingineria Electrică", (TPE-2008) va avea loc intre 4-6 septembrie 2008 la Universitatea din Piteşti (Piteşti, Romania). Co-organizatori: Gazi University (Ankara, Republic of Turkey), Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem & Seraj Higher Education Institute (Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran), Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Baku, Republic of

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A VI-a Conferinta internationala PWS si Prima conferinta de Boli rare din Romania

Things are moving fast for rare disease patients in Romania. A rare disease conference took place in Cluj-Napoca, the ancient centre of Romanian culture and civilisation in picturesque Transylvania, on 24 June 2007. The conference, the first of its kind to take place in Romania, was organised by the Romanian Prader-Willi Association, on the back of the 6th International (and 1st Romanian) Prader-Willi Syndrome Conference. The event gathered 340 attendees

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Revista de zoologie, „North-Western Journal of Zoology”, editata in Romania, a fost cotata ISI

Revista de zoologie, "North-Western Journal of Zoology", editata in Romania, a fost cotata ISI. Incepand cu numerele din anul 2007, NW J Zoology apare pe "Web of Science - Science Citation index". Factorul de impact al revistei va fi disponibil in cel mult doi ani.

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