Articolele autorului Virgil Iordache
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The Role of Organic Matter in the Mobility of Metals in Contaminated Sites

We have applied a concept framework for scale specific processes in order to characterize the role of the organic matter in the mobility of metals. At very small scale we identified roles by immobilization of metals (immobilization in litter, immobilization in soil aggregates, dissolved organic carbon chelates in fine pores), by mobilization of metals (organochemical weathering, soluble chelates, organocolloids, free enzymatic degradation of immobile

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Contributions to the theoretical foundations of integrated modeling in biogeochemistry and their application in contaminated areas

We performed a rational reconstruction of the relationship between biogeochemistry and the study of ecological productive systems. A structural and a functional possibility for building biogeochemical integrated models with optimal complexity have been identified. The conceptual framework was then applied to metals in contaminated areas. Metal mobility results from the interaction (coupling) of environmental entities at a multitude of scales. We

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Programul Simpozionului Darwin, Universitatea din Bucuresti

Programul simpozionului "Darwin, evolutia speciilor si gandirea evolutionista" este disponibil la adresa Vorbitorii invitati sunt Denis Buican, Ilie Parvu, Octavian Popescu si Mircea Flonta.

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Conferinta ’’Darwin, evoluţia speciilor şi gândirea evoluţionistă’’

Facultatea de Biologie şi Facultatea de Filosofie din Universitatea Bucureşti vor organiza în zilele de 20-22 noiembrie 2009 o conferinţă cu tema ’’Darwin, evoluţia speciilor şi gândirea evoluţionistă’’, cu ocazia împlinirii a 150 de ani de la publicarea lucrării ‘’Originea speciilor’’.Conferinţa işi propune să discute însemnătatea epocală a operei lui Darwin pentru ştiinţă precum şi pentru viziunea modernă

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Assessing the Effect of Disturbances on Diversity of Ectomycorrhiza

Ectomycorrhiza (ECM) communities can be described on a species level or on a larger scale at an ecosystem level. Here we show that the species level approach of successional processes in ECM communities is not appropriate for understanding the diversity patterns of ECM communities at contaminated sites. An ecosystem based approach improves predictability since different biotic and abiotic factors are included. However, it still does not take into

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Ideea de evolutie a institutiilor la F. A. Hayek si D. C. North

In 1981 North stated that Hayek’s theory and Marxist theory are of the same kind, but in 1999 he textually admitted that the neoinstitutionalism is complementary with the theoretical framework elaborated by Hayek. In 1981 Hayek is referred in two footnotes, while in 1999 North contributes to a volume dedicated to Hayek’s work. Why did North change his attitude about Hayek? In this text I will provide arguments in favor of two hypotheses: 1. Hayek’s

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Integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry: potential and limits

We performed an analysis of a family of models relevant for the integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry by two approaches: a hierarchical one, and a disciplinary one. The hierarchical approach was done in a theoretical framework accepting the existence of a hierarchy of ecological systems, and split the population of analyzed models into classes based on their relevance for various biological and ecological hierarchical levels. We identified

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The effect of bioremediation methods involving different degrees of soil disturbance on the export of metals by leaching and by plant uptake

Lysimeter experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of two bioremediation methods on the export of metals from a former uranium mine site located near Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany. The first method consisted of the application of topsoil and compost to contaminated soil. Soil was sampled from two amended plots and from an unamended control, all located on a former uranium-leaching heap. The second method involved the mixing

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Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes

1. Denitrification in floodplain soils is one of the main biological processes emitting and reducing nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, and the main process responsible for the buffering capacity of riparian zones against diffuse nitrate pollution. 2. The aim of this study was to measure denitrification rates under a wide range of current climatic conditions and hydrological regimes in Europe (from latitude 64o N to latitude 42o N – and from longitude

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Lower Danube River System biodiversity changes

Preserving a still high natural ecological value, the Lower Danube River System (LDRS) is a good example of a large ecological system in a critical unstable balance. The biodiversity changes along LDRS are discussed based on existing data from last four decades and on results of own research from the last seventeen years. The general methodological framework of data processing and interpretation is system identification. The paper addresses the following

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