Articolele autorului Roxana Bojariu
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Lansarea Anului International Polar

Ceremonia oficiala de lansare a Anului International Polar va avea loc pe 1 martie 2007, la Palais de la Découverte, Paris. Evenimentul va incepe la 11.00 CET. Cosponsorii Anului International Polar sunt Organizatia Mondiala a Meteorologiei si Consiliul International pentru Stiinta. Pe 26 februarie 2007, Fundatia Europeana pentru Stiinta (European Science Foundation) si Comitetul European Polar (European Polar Board) vor marca lansarea Anului International

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Dezvoltare durabila – De la Lisabona la Leipzig prin Cercetare Stiintifica

In its Lisbon Agenda, the European Union has stated its objective to become the most competitive, knowledge-based society in the world by 2010. Central to this effort is scientific knowledge necessary both to compete successfully in the global market place and to promote sustainable development. The aim of this conference is to position sustainability research as an engine for European competitiveness

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Conferinta EuroOcean 2007 (dead-line-ul pentru rezumate pe 15 decembrie 2006)

IEEE/OES Oceans 07 Conference and EC EurOcean 2007 will take place next June in Aberdeen, Scotland. There are many exciting events planned for this occasion as highlighted on the website: Abstract Deadline Is Fast Approaching - 15 December 2006

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The North Atlantic Oscillation signal in a regional climate simulation for the European region

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a dominant pattern of large-scale variability in the Northern Hemisphere, with important regional effects on the winter climate of Europe. Nested regional climate models (RCMs) can be useful tools for studying the regional signal of the NAO. Therefore, it is important to assess whether they can reproduce the observed NAO signal over Europe when driven by lateral boundary conditions from global climate models.

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Premiile René Descartes 2005

René Descartes Prizes 2005 Identifier: [FP6-2004-Science-and-society-12] Publication date: 15 December 2004 Budget: € 1, 250 million Closing Date(s): 10 May 2005 at 17.00 (Brussels local time) OJ Reference: OJ C309 of 15.12.2004 Specific programme: [Structuring the European Research Area] Activity area(s): [Science and Society] Restrictions to participation: Provided the conditions set out below are satisfied, any legal entity established in a

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Predicibilidat y modelizacion numerica de la Oscilation del Atlantico Norte
Impact of the extratropical dynamical modes upon troposphere temperature using an approach based on advection of temperature

Advection of temperature (AT) is used to diagnose the influence of changes in extratropical circulation on air temperature. AT is calculated at 3 different levels (850, 500 and 200 hPa) for the period 1958-98 using NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data.

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Predictability and numerical modelling of the North Atlantic Oscillation

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is the dominant pattern of atmospheric circulation variability in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere and it is a major controlling factor in basic meteorological variables such as surface wind, temperature and precipitation which have large socioeconomic impacts on energy, agriculture, industry, traffic and human health throughout the whole of Europe and eastern North America. Because of this dominant impact

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The role of snow cover fluctuations in multiannual NAO persistence

In this article authors explore the relation in the observed data between the Eurasian snow cover anomalies and the NAO variability on interannual to decadal time scales. Results reached in this study suggest that in winter and early spring, NAO type atmospheric circulation influences the extent of snow cover and the snow cover affects the atmosphere in the late spring, summer and early autumn leading to a mechanism that seems to be responsible for

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Training on optical devices, configurations and techniques

Sursa: de pe lista de discutii rom-list ( Dragi Conducatori de doctorat Grupul meu de cercetare are o bursa de doctorat acordata de UE pentru un tinar (< 35 ani) inscris la doctorat in Europa. Bursa e de 10 luni, candidatului is se plateste drumul si 1200 euros pe luna. Stagiul de 10 luni e considerat ca o pregatire in educarea pe baza de doctorat. Tema: TRAINING ON OPTICAL DEVICES, CONFIGURATIONS AND TECHNIQUES

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