Articolele autorului Csaba Balogh
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The Problem with Isaiah’s So-Called ‘Refrain Poem’: A New Look at the Compositional History of Isaiah 9.7–20

This article argues that Isaiah's so-called ‘refrain poem’ (Kehrvergedicht) in Isa. 9.7–20 is a composite text, going back to two early prophecies with different concerns. Isaiah 9.7–17* focused originally on the arrogant refusal of the divine word, while Isa. 9.18–20* reflected on the chaotic social circumstances in Samaria in the eighth century. The refrains in vv. 9,11cd, 16ef and 20cd were added to these two already connected prophecies

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Reconsidering Habakkuk 1:8

Alter Orient und Altes Testament 426. This study argues that the phrase prSyw wprSyw should be emended to prSyw wprsw, "their horses (or: horsemen) swarm out". This reading is indirectly supported by some of the ancient witnesses (LXX and 1QpHab) and is better suited to its context than the Massoretic version.

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Inverted Fates and Inverted Texts. Rationales of Reinterpretation in the Compositional History of the Isaianic Prophecies, with Special Emphasis on Isaiah 10,16–19 and Its Context

This study argues that Isa 10,16–19, located in the context of the anti-Assyrian prophecy, provides essential clues in understanding the formation of the book of Isaiah. While current research often takes this text as a late redactional composition, it is more reasonable to argue that the pericope was relocated by the editors from a prophecy originally threatening Israel with destruction. This level of meaning is endorsed by the specific metaphors

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Historicising Interpolations in the Isaiah-Memoir

In studies on the composition of prophetic literature, the larger textual layers reinterpreting earlier texts, the so-called Fortschreibungen, received much attention. It is well-known that beside these larger literary elaborations prophetic books also contain shorter explanatory interpolations, often called glosses, which intend to clarify a particular imagery of the prophecy (e.g., Isa 9:14). A systematic reading of these short annotations has

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syd or sdy? A Note on Isaiah 33,12

This article discusses the MT of Isa 33,12 and argues that the verse line "the nations will be burned to lime (syd)" is difficult in its context and distorts the parallelism, describing the fall of the enemy of Judah with the help of plant-imagery. Although Am 2,1 is often mentioned in connection with Isa 33,12, closer analysis shows that there are differences between the two texts. It is suggested that the LXX should be followed here, which goes

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Schöpfung und Geburt. Anthropologische Begrifflichkeit in Psalm 139,13-16

According to Gen 1, the “classical” story of the origin of humanity, God began and finished the creation of man on the sixth day. In this view, creation is a one-time divine act dated to the dawn of history. Psalm 139,13-16 provides an alternative concept regarding human origins. The ideas permeating this Psalm are less widespread in the Bible, and they were far less influential for later theological works than the classical biblical accounts

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Survival of the Fittest: Habakkuk and the Changing Trail of the Prophetic Tradition

This article addresses the question why and how earlier prophecies of judgment against Judah, in which the foreign nations appear as agents of YHWH's punishment, came to be reinterpreted and placed in the context of prophecies proclaiming God's judgment on those foreign nations. It is argued here that the well-known literary complexities and logical shifts of the book of Habakkuk should not be explained by a long redactional history. Rather they

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Isaiah’s Prophetic Instruction and the Disciples in Isaiah 8:16

Isa 8:16 is considered a key reference regarding the formation of the book of Isaiah and the role of prophetic disciples in this process. This article argues, however, that originally this verse had a more limited significance. The instruction to which v. 16 refers is to be identified with vv. 12-15 rather than an early 'book' of Isaiah. The expression 'the instructed ones' (of YHWH rather than the prophet) is applied to the prophet's audience. This

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The Stele of YHWH in Egypt. The Prophecies of Isaiah 18-20 concerning Egypt and Kush

Attempts to reconstruct the compositional history of the book of Isaiah confine themselves mainly to chapters 1-12 and 28-39, supposed to shroud the basic core of any early collection of Isaianic texts. Other investigations which verge on the group of prophecies concerning the nations in Isa 13-23 rarely delve into exegetical details to the extent that the reader of Isaiah would feel convinced to stand here on familiar grounds. Even others, overtly

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He Filled Zion with Justice and Righteousness: The Composition of Isaiah 33

In contrast to most opinions concerning Isa 33 this pericope is far too complex to be explained as one coherent literary unit. Isa 33 has a short anti-Assyrian woe-cry at its bases (vv. 1+4), which once closed the woe-cries of Isa 28–32. Vv. 1+4 were supplemented first (around 598 or 587) by a communal lament, vv. 2-3+5+7-12, bringing the idea of the punishment of Judah and the temporised destruction of the enemy in vv. 1+4 further. Second, (shortly

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