Articolele autorului Mihaela Frunza
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Noul numar Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 26/2010

A aparut noul numar al revistei Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, vol. 9, nr. 26, Summer 2010, disponibil on-line la adresa link: "Current issue". In acest numar puteti citi contributiile despre relatia dintre etica si religie ale autorilor Adrian-Paul Iliescu, Anca Mustea, Oana Negru, Adrian Opre, Petru Bejan, Gabriel Andreescu, Liviu Andreescu, Dorin Stefanescu, Sandu Frunza, John Morgan, Bulent Senay si Nico Vorster;

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Call for papers – JSRI – Religious Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe

Revista Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies solicită articole pentru numerele ce urmează a fi publicate în anul 2011. Al treilea număr special are tema: Religious Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe at the Beginning of the Third Millenium (data limită: 1 februarie 2011). JSRI este o revistă de studii religioase care încurajează abordarea interdisciplinară a temelor, din prisma următoarelor domenii: filosofia religiilor,

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Call for papers – JSRI – Religion and Political Communication

Revista Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies solicită articole pentru numerele ce urmează a fi publicate în anul 2011. Al doilea număr special are tema: Religion and Political Communication at the Beginning of the Third Millenium (data limită: 1 decembrie 2010) JSRI este o revistă de studii religioase care încurajează abordarea interdisciplinară a temelor, din prisma următoarelor domenii: filosofia religiilor, etică, filosofie

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Call for papers – JSRI – Church-State Relations in Different European Countries. Case Studies and Debates

Revista Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies solicită articole pentru numerele ce urmează a fi publicate în anul 2011. Primul număr special are tema Church-State Relations in Different European Countries. Case Studies and Debates at the Beginning of the Third Millenium (data limită: 1 august 2010) JSRI este o revistă de studii religioase care încurajează abordarea interdisciplinară a temelor, din prisma următoarelor domenii:

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Call for Papers – Criza institutionala a filosofiei in sistemul educational romanesc

SACRI ( in colaborare cu Catedra de Filosofie Sistematica a Universitatii Babes-Bolyai din Cluj va invita la simpozionul cu tema: Criza institutionala a filosofiei in sistemul educational romanesc. Problematizari si solutii pentru iesirea din criza Lucrarile simpozionului se vor desfasura pe doua sectiuni, avind urmatoarele teme: 1) Imbunatatirea statutului actual al filosofiei in sistemul educational romanesc; 2) Expertiza etica in

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Aparitie editoriala -JSRI vol. 8, no. 24

Dorim sa va anuntam ca a aparut numarul 24 al revistei Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies - In acest numar, puteti citi urmatoarele articole: Religion and Politics in Romania after 1989 Stefan Bratosin, Mihaela Alexandra Ionescu Church, Religion and Belief: Paradigms for Understanding the Political Phenomenon in Post-Communist Romania 3-18 Gabriel Andreescu, Liviu Andreescu Church and State in Post-Communist Romania: Priorities

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Aparitie editoriala – JSRI vol. 7, no. 19

On behalf of the Editorial Team of the Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, we have the honor to invite you to see the most recent issue of the journal, vol. 7, no. 19, on the topic Interdisciplinary Approaches in Religious Studies and Ideologies JSRI is published by SCIRI and SACRI. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies is the first Romanian journal selected for coverage in Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents:

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Aparitie editoriala – JSRI 17

Avem bucuria sa va anuntam publicarea numarului 17 din revista Journal for the Study of Religion and Ideologies, pe tema Philosophical and Multidisciplinary Approaches in Religious Studies. Ca si celelalte numere, si acesta este disponibil la adresa Va invitam sa transmiteti aceasta informatie tuturor celor interesati.

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Call for Papers – JSRI 17

JSRI ( invites researchers and academics to contribute to the next issue (no. 17) on the topic: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Research in the Study of Religion Contributions are welcomed in the form of studies, articles or book reviews. The material will be accompanied by an abstract (10 lines) - except for book reviews - a list of up to ten key words, and by the author's CV, a list of main publications (1/2 page) and a photo (in

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Call for papers – JSRI 16

JSRI ( invites researchers and academics to contribute to the next issue (no. 16) on the topic: Religious Studies as an Academic Discipline Contributions are welcomed in the form of studies, articles or book reviews. The material will be accompanied by an abstract (10 lines) - except for book reviews - a list of up to ten key words, and by the author's CV, a list of main publications (1/2 page) and a photo (in case of book reviews, the

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