Articolele autorului Marius Mihai Echim
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Marius Mihai Echim

Agentia Spatiala Europeana defineste prioritatile programului de explorare spatiala pentru 2015-2025. Oamenii de stiinta romani se numara printre participanti.

"Cosmic Vision" este programul strategic al Agentiei Spatiale Europene (ESA - pentru investigarea spatiului cosmic in perioada 2015-2025. Energia "intunecata (dark)", planetele gravitind in alte sisteme stelare si misterele Soarelui sunt subiectele stiintifice selectate de ESA pentru viitoarele misiuni spatiale. EUCLID este un proiect ce isi propune sa raspunda la intrebari-cheie privind procesele fizice fundamentale si formarea

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Un tinar cercetator roman cistiga premiu pentru lucrarea stiintifica prezentata la Adunarea Generala a Uniunii Europene de Geofizica

Gabriel Voitcu a cistigat premiul pentru cel mai bun poster prezentat de un tinar cercetator( Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper Award) in cadrul Adunarii Generale a Societatii Europene de Geofizica desfasurata recent la Viena. Gabriel este cercetator al Institutului de Stiinte Spatiale din Bucuresti, in cadrul grupului de plasma spatiala si magnetometrie. El este interesat de investigarea cinetica si simularea numerica a proceselor fizice

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Multi-point observations of intermittency in the cusp regions
Sheared magnetospheric plasma flows and discrete auroral arcs: a quasi-static coupling model
Energy transfer in the solar wind magnetosphere: Long-term fluctuations and intermittency
Stiinte – scoala de vara in domeniul fizicii plasmei spatiale

Stiinte - Solar terrestrial interactions: instrumentation and techniques - este o scoala de vara organizata in comun de COSPAR - forum mondial in domeniul stiintelor spatiale - si Institutul de Stiinte Spatiale din Bucuresti. Aceasta manifestare stiintifica va avea loc in perioada 4-16 iunie 2007, in Sinaia, Romania. Al saselea seminar de dezvoltare a capacitatilor regionale in domeniul stiintelor spatiale va avea ca subiect aspecte concrete legate

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2D Vlasov solution for a collisionless plasma jet across transverse magnetic field lines with sheared bulk velocity

We consider a two-dimensional stationary stream of a collisionless plasma injected across an external stationary magnetic field and a background stagnant plasma. We compute the velocity distribution function (VDF) as well as the distribution of the electromagnetic field consistent with this type of flow. The solution is found by solving the Vlasov equation for the VDF of each species (electrons and protons), the Maxwell-Ampere equation for the magnetic

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Self-consistent solution for a collisionless plasma slab in motion across a magnetic field

The problem of the dynamics of a plasma slab moving across a magnetic field is treated in the framework of the kinetic theory. A velocity distribution function (VDF) is found for each plasma species, electrons and protons, in terms of the constants of motion defined by the geometry of the problem. The zero and first order moments of the VDF are introduced into the Maxwell's equations to compute the electric and magnetic potentials and fields. The

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Test-particle trajectories in ”sheared” stationary field: Newton-Lorenz and first order drift numerical simulations

We study a magnetic field distribution that is nonuniform and sheared like in tangential discontinuities. This distribution is an input parameter for the numerical integration of the equations of motion of the test-particle and of its guiding center. Two different electric field distributions are alternatively tested. In the first case, the electric field is uniform and constant like the electric field prescribed in the large-scale, steady-state

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Advances in the kinetic treatment of the solar wind magnetosphere interaction: the impulsive penetration mechanism

The impulsive penetration mechanism describes the dynamics of a plasma irregularity (or plasmoid) at the interface between the magnetosheath and the Earth's magnetosphere. The plasmoid's motion perpendicular to B is self-sustained by a polarization electric field; its analytical expression can be derived by assuming that the magnetic moment of ions and electrons is adiabatically conserved. Numerical integration of trajectories injected into this

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