Articolele autorului Radulescu Cristiana
Link la profilul stiintific al lui Radulescu Cristiana

The study of thermo-oxidative behavior of some photocromic materials
Qualitative and Semiquantitative TLC Analysis of Vitamins A, D and E
Study concerning the protection of cationic dyes derivatives from heterocyclic system 2-aminothiazolo[4,5-f]indazole using UV protector 2-(2′-hidroxi-5′-metil-3-sulfofenil)-benzotriazole
Sysnthesis and characterization of new cationic dyes for synthetic fibres
Cationic dyes derivatives of compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[5,4-f]indazole. Sysnthesis and characterization
Adsorbtia surfactantilor cationici la interfata bumbac/apa
Adsorption of alkyl polyglucosides non-ionic surfactant on cotton
Disperse dyes derivatives from compact condensed system 2-aminothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridine. Synthesis and characterization
Studiul interacţiei surfactanţilor neionici de tipul alchilpoliglucozidelor cu coloranţi acizi
Studii preliminare în vederea obţinerii şi caracterizãrii polimerilor cu substituenţi azoici